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Can a landlord refuse my notice period ?

Notice period

post 2.Nov.2019, 09:29 AM
Post #1
Joined: 1.Nov.2019


Due to some issue with my future landlord, I asked her before moving in how long is the notice period.
The answer was that I don't have any rights for notice periods because in the contract, I am living in a room on her property.

The contract I signed is all in swedish (She just explain to me in english when we were signing and never told me about not having a notice period)

The contract refer to us as Hyresv?rd and Hyresg?st.
It is a fixed duration rental contract, of 5 month who is prolonged by 3 month if I still get my job after the probation period.

What people told me and what I read is that I have 1 month notice period.

Question :
What is my rights ?

How to be sure she gives me back my 2 months deposit ?

Thank you very much !
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post 2.Nov.2019, 10:04 AM
Post #2
Joined: 12.Dec.2013

You have three months, unless the contract you signed specified a shorter period. If nothing was entered in the contract on the period of notice, you have three months. Only if the fixed duration period was shorted than three months would a shorter notice period apply.
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post 2.Nov.2019, 12:11 PM
Post #3
Joined: 1.Nov.2019

QUOTE (Essingen55 @ 2.Nov.2019, 10:04 AM) * have three months, unless the contract you signed specified a shorter period. If nothing was entered in the co ... (show full quote)

Thank you for your reply !
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