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I need help with this Swedish sentence, please.

Are these sentences correct?

post 16.Oct.2016, 11:40 AM
Post #1

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yet another brit
post 16.Oct.2016, 06:12 PM
Post #2
Joined: 5.Jan.2013

They aren't particularly bad, or particularly good. Why not just copy 'n paste from other peoples invoices... eg:

Betalning ska tillhandah?llas senast xxxx-xx-xx. Vid utebliven likvid debiteras p?minnelseavgift ? 50 kr, samt dr?jsm?lsr?nta enligt nu g?llande referensr?nta med till?gg av ?tta procentenheter.

You might want to read the pages on (say) on the subject...
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post 17.Oct.2016, 11:03 AM
Post #3

Oh, okay! I appreciate your honesty! Thanks a lot! biggrin.gif
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post 21.Mar.2017, 10:38 AM
Post #4

If you have not paid at maturity, we must charge 5% interest.
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