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Are Lidingo Stad murderers?

Destroying people's lives.

post 23.Jul.2020, 07:15 PM
Post #1
Joined: 24.Oct.2008

Lidingo Stad treat people really badly if they are not white and Swedish.
I know of cases where they have made sick and vulnerable people homeless.
They do so with no remorse,no care and no conscience.
Lidingo Stad is like a pychopathic killer.
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post 23.Jul.2020, 07:47 PM
Post #2
Location: Pakistan
Joined: 27.Jan.2020

Any proof?
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post 23.Jul.2020, 10:48 PM
Post #3
Joined: 24.Oct.2008

Yes,I have proof.
I know someone who was in hospital twice this week and has more hospital appointments to come .This person is now being made homeless and Lidingo Social Sercices told this person " We will not help you. You are on your own".
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post 23.Jul.2020, 10:57 PM
Post #4
Location: Pakistan
Joined: 27.Jan.2020

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post 23.Jul.2020, 11:25 PM
Post #5
Joined: 24.Oct.2008

I am not saying the city is racist.I am saying the local govt is racist. I cannot give more details ,to protect the privacy of the person involved. I can say,it is not a matter of one bad employee,it was a long process involving more than one person.If the person involved coould get help from elsewhere,they would,but believe me,Lidingo Social Services has almost killed this person.
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post 24.Jul.2020, 01:19 AM
Post #6
Location: Pakistan
Joined: 27.Jan.2020

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post 24.Jul.2020, 02:04 PM
Post #7
Location: Stockholm county
Joined: 27.Sep.2017

QUOTE (Yortis @ 23.Jul.2020, 11:49 PM) *
This person is now being made homeless and Lidingo Social Sercices told this person " We will not help you. You are on your own".

I think you are probably mixing up whatever social services you had in a country you came from, or some stereotype hearsay version of what rights you have in Sweden and what social services are responsible for by law.

Only in certain instances does Social Services have any responsibility in arranging accommodation for (to-be)homeless people. This often surprises people that have never looked at what they actual are responsible for! And only if you are a youth, or parent with young kids, do they actually have any responsibility for housing you.
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