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This discussion forum closed permanently on 25th February 2021.
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Need advices regarding residence after divorce!I am non-EU of an Eu nations spouse and divorcing |
Joined: 16.Sep.2020 |
Joined: 25.Jul.2012 |
Since residents permits are issued for maximum two years, it is clear that you do not have a residence permit at all but a EU residence card, who is valid for up to 5 years.
When your divorce is final your right to remain in Sweden will cease immediately and you will have no right to stay in or work in Sweden. Without a residence permit the police can issue you a deportation order. If necessary, the police can also take you into custody. If you want to apply for a residence permit you do so from your home country. It is normally not possible to be granted a residence permit for other studies than university level. |
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