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Help in making LOGO

LOGO design

post 25.Sep.2015, 10:11 PM
Post #1


recently i moved to sweden , and i am about to start a business
so i would like someone to help me in design a LOGO for the business

thank you
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post 26.Sep.2015, 10:19 AM
Post #2
Location: Skåne
Joined: 1.Oct.2005 hundreds of designers to choose from, just pick one that suits your taste from their portfolios of previous work. Will cost you the princely sum of 5 dollars.
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post 2.Aug.2018, 02:02 PM
Post #3
Joined: 26.Jul.2016

Or do what most people do, which is type into Google the letters of the name of your business followed by the word "logo" then choose "images" and scroll through until you find one you like.

E.g. Paul's delivery service = "PDS logo"
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