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Fine for travelling as a student on the Tunnelbana

Wrong kind of Student in Sweden.

post 28.Aug.2020, 09:40 AM
Post #1
Joined: 28.Aug.2020


I was visiting my boyfriend in Stockholm, we are both very new to the city and country. Anyhow, I bought a travel card from a person at the station window. I planned to stay in Stockholm home for around 3 weeks and in my last two weeks, I was topping up my card and the person behind the desk asked if I was a student, which I am in Demark, so I replied yes and he said oh you have wasted a lot of money travelling as an adult, I will switch you to a student. Anyhow, I didn't think much of this, apart from that I seemed to have lost quite a bit of money.

A few days later I was stopped by the metro inspectors who asked see my student card, I showed them my student card (Danish) and they said it wasn't valid and I needed one with their logo on and that I needed to be a student from Stockholm. I wasn't aware that I needed to be a student from Stockholm, I was never asked "Are you a student from Stockholm" when the person changed my travel card nor did he ask to see my student card. Anyhow I was given a fine of 1550 sek.

I looked on their site and yes it does say in Swedish that I need to be student from Stockholm to travel at a discounted price. Anyhow, I feel that I have been put in a situational where I have been blind sided, surely its also the reposibility of the staff to make sure they check the students for correct ID before changing/issuing them a metro card. I wrote to the SJ regarding my situation and asked if they could drop the fine or discount it but they are refusing to do anything and saying it is soly my responsibility. I feel that they really thrive on making law biding citzens pay for these fines. In my short time in Stockholm, I have seen many people not even pay for the metro by following others through the gates. I wonder if they even pay for these fines. Anyhow 1550 is very expensive for someone who actually did pay something. Futhermore, I found another post ojn this forum and commenter linked to this website :// :// :// :// ://

where it says that Section 2 A surcharge may not be charged if the lack of a valid ticket may be considered excusable with regard to the passenger's age, illness, lack of knowledge of local conditions or other circumstances.

I feel that I would fall under the lack of knowledge of local conditions or other circumstances. I have also sent them this but they still want me to pay the whole fine, are they maybe threatening me under the belief I will get scared and pay anyway? I know a lot of these companies do that.

Anyhow, I am also not Danish, I am from the UK but I have been living and studying in Demark for a while now and plan to stay here indefinetly, so I am wondering if there is anyway they can force me to pay the fine. I know if I was in the UK they wouldn't be able to but as Scandanvia has close ties maybe they still can? Additionally, I didn't give my address nor sign the paper but they have my full name and univerisity, who have my address. I am not sure if my university is allowed to give my address out though, probably not as Denmark are quite strict with GDPR.

Lastly, I am a student and don't have a large income, 1550 sek it almost 20% of my monthly salary so I wouldn't be able to pay it off in one go and if I have to pay it instalments then I would be subject to internation costs. I don't mean to make sob story myself but we are humans and we make mistakes, and its quite sad that some companies trive on that.

Wrong Kind of Student.
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post 28.Aug.2020, 10:24 AM
Post #2
Joined: 12.Dec.2013

It seems to me, as I get on in age, that there in times in life when you have to hold out for what you believe is right, and this is surely one of them. In my opinion the exclusion clause you have found fits you perfectly. I wouldn't pay it myself, as I believe the fine is unreasonable. However, fines are trickier to get out of here and they may pursue it.

I really can't understand SL at times. They resent people jumping over barriers, which I can understand. On the other hand, they sell you a yearly season ticket and then, a few weeks later, they ask people not to use public transport to make it safer for key workers, but refuse to refund the unused portion of the season ticket.

Hold out is my advice, prepare yourself for a fight, but I would be surprised if you didn't win.
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post 28.Aug.2020, 10:24 AM
Post #3
Joined: 4.Oct.2017

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post 28.Aug.2020, 10:51 AM
Post #4
Joined: 28.Aug.2020

Wow they seem to have no compassion here, its all about making more money. In Denmark they are very reasonable when it comes to this, if you truly do make a mistake then they will reduce the fine to about 15% of the actual price. When I first arrived in Denmark, I thought you could buy a ticket on the train and you couldnt so they fined me, I wrote to them and instead of paying 750 they made me pay 100.. bascially covering some admin costs.

That is also bad, they should have refunded people if they weren't able to travel, everyone was going through hard times during this pandemic! Why do huge corporations always trive when individuals always lose. I thought Sweden was meant to be a socialist country but to me its very capitalistic.
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post 28.Aug.2020, 10:51 AM
Post #5
Joined: 12.Dec.2013

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post 28.Aug.2020, 10:53 AM
Post #6
Joined: 12.Dec.2013

I thought Sweden was meant to be a socialist country but to me its very capitalistic.

Exactly right.
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post 28.Aug.2020, 10:56 AM
Post #7

You need to appeal it now, don't wait because once it's been passed forward for collection a few options close. Supply all the information you have here, even date and time of where you bought the ticket. The onus is still on you to buy the right ticket, just appeal to their better nature. In your wording try to not blame the ticket seller (yes I know it was their fault), but they might get protective of their staff and organisation.

You are a student and if you can show you were previously buying full price adult tickets, it shows you aren't a serial offender etc.
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post 28.Aug.2020, 10:57 AM
Post #8

Scandinavia isn't socialist, it's more like caring capitalist.
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post 28.Aug.2020, 11:02 AM
Post #9
Joined: 12.Dec.2013

You need to appeal it now,

She says she has already written to SL (she said SJ but I guess she meant SL).

Yes...important not to blame the ticket seller, just say it was obviously a misunderstanding. Prepare an articulate polite communication and include the legal reference that you have as well. And then everytime you get any communication about it, you can use the same reply....

Go for it!
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post 28.Aug.2020, 11:07 AM
Post #10
Joined: 4.Oct.2017

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post 28.Aug.2020, 11:50 AM
Post #11
Joined: 12.Dec.2013

AliceJones, Have you got written copies of your letter to SL and their reply?
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post 28.Aug.2020, 12:02 PM
Post #12
Joined: 12.Dec.2013

This is the organisation that administers the charges. Is it these tossers you have written to or SL?
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post 28.Aug.2020, 12:46 PM
Post #13
Joined: 28.Aug.2020

I do have copies, I have been sending them emails already but I haven't told them I am studying in Denmark because thought then it would easier for them to track me down. I also have already talked about the staff but not in a bad manner at all, except that it is also their responsibility to check the students for valid id.
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post 28.Aug.2020, 12:47 PM
Post #14
Joined: 28.Aug.2020

And also yes, it is those people who I have written to. :/
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post 28.Aug.2020, 01:08 PM
Post #15
Joined: 28.Aug.2020

I have also appealed and now that company is asking SL whether they want to take me to court or not, I think if they d decide to take me to court then I will just pay it. :'(

There are free lawyers in Denmark, maybe I should speak to them to get some advice?

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