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This discussion forum closed permanently on 25th February 2021.
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Closure of The Local’s Discuss forum

25th February 2021

The Local
post 11.Feb.2021, 10:43 AM
Post #1
Location: Stockholm
Joined: 22.Dec.2004

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post 11.Feb.2021, 12:54 PM
Post #2
Joined: 12.Dec.2013

Probably a good idea. Most of the comments on here these days are made by a handful of people and aren't worth the paper they aren't written on.
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post 11.Feb.2021, 02:29 PM
Post #3
Joined: 25.Jan.2021

Arguably it should be the other way around, anyone can run a news article through a translation app themselves, there is no need for a news page. What you can't do is chat and asks questions in a global language without a forum. What was missing here was any sign of moderation and management. A forum of English speaking expats(and wannabees) in Europe would get a lot of hits if it was relevant, ad banners on the left ad right margins would in part fund the costs of moderating it.
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post 11.Feb.2021, 02:36 PM
Post #4
Joined: 23.Aug.2016

QUOTE (Alinlulea @ 11.Feb.2021, 02:29 PM) *
anyone can run a news article through a translation app

You are missing what the point of The Local is. It isn't to present news, if it were then the articles would be a lot more informative.

I would liken The Local to something more like a magazine then a newspaper. I think it gets as much criticism as it does because it purports to be Sweden's news in English.

You only have to look at the front page to see this. There is completely no mention of the serious crimes that have occurred in the major cities over the past 24 hours for which there has been plenty.

Instead it is articles about winter break rules, semlor and other nonsense which isn't of any use for people living here, really.
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Gamla Hälsingebock
post 11.Feb.2021, 04:51 PM
Post #5
Joined: 21.Dec.2006

I don't blame them...if you look at the quality of what is posted here you realize that a kindergarten sandbox offers a better environment...

It's only about Swede bashing and insults...

I could tell they were disgusted with it by the fact that they were letting happen a lot of rule breaking activity that in the "old" days would be stopped...

So be it...
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post 12.Feb.2021, 02:49 PM
Post #6
Joined: 17.Apr.2020

and since it was created much of the discussion has moved over to other places, like our Facebook groups

Aha so they want the discussion to continue in an environment, where everyone at any time can get censored and deleted for almost every reason, especially when your opinions are not LBGTQ-, lockdown-, green deal-friendly (not to mention the 451 other indoctrination topics, media uses to destroy family, economy, free travel, freedom of speech, etc.).

and under our articles. Managing the forum is time-consuming

Oh it's so time consuming to delete accounts who repeatedly and reportedly call everyone a "Nazi", who has good arguments against lockdowns and the fake pandemic? Yes I see, very time consuming. How many of those accounts did THE LOCAL delete?

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post 12.Feb.2021, 03:32 PM
Post #7
Joined: 23.Aug.2016

To be fair they can delete any comments in this forum whenever they want to so...

Having set up and run forums it is perfectly easy in the software to prohibit people from having multiple accounts from the same IP address, introduce a warning system, have watch words and so on.

This place has just been used to generate Google search hits to direct traffic but I guess the risk versus reward isn't enough anymore.
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Gamla Hälsingebock
post 12.Feb.2021, 03:43 PM
Post #8
Joined: 21.Dec.2006

The handwriting was on the wall when TheLocal became a paid service...

Yes the forum produced a pathway to the paid part of TheLocal and yes the forum no longer provides that path as before...

Leaving the forum as a "read only" service is a safety assure the closure decision was correct...

When TheLocal stopped moderating the forum, it was/is the death knell...
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post 12.Feb.2021, 08:53 PM
Post #9
Joined: 23.Aug.2016

Also closing it on the 25th is a weird date. Why on a Thursday? Why not a Sunday? Why not on the 28th, the end of the month? By some strange coincidence the last day of the month is on a Sunday.

So the 25th has to have some significance.
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Gamla Hälsingebock
post 12.Feb.2021, 10:36 PM
Post #10
Joined: 21.Dec.2006

"a date which will live in infamy" rolleyes.gif laugh.gif
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post 13.Feb.2021, 12:44 PM
Post #11
Joined: 15.Mar.2010

Bye *waves* biggrin.gif
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post 15.Feb.2021, 03:15 PM
Post #12
Joined: 11.Mar.2014

QUOTE (TheExpatEagle @ 12.Feb.2021, 08:53 PM) *
closing it on the 25th is a weird date. Why on a Thursday?

Maybe because it is pay day for many who are employees?
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post 17.Feb.2021, 11:05 PM
Post #13
Joined: 24.Nov.2020

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Gamla Hälsingebock
post 18.Feb.2021, 12:20 AM
Post #14
Joined: 21.Dec.2006

QUOTE (stellita884 @ 18.Feb.2021, 12:05 AM) *
all they focus on is the Chin Chun Chan virus, restrictions and candies

Why not start a thread about something to your interest???
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post 19.Feb.2021, 04:56 AM
Post #15
Location: Borås
Joined: 10.Mar.2016

I'm thankful for having this forum.
It have helped a lot through the years. And finally my man (came from UK) became Swedish Citizen.

Just sad about the climate here from some lately. No country is perfect. And no country will be.
It is just the people that makes it good or bad.
And if they don't like it here, mybe time for a move and complain over next country.

Thanks to all that actually helped or given important information.
I will miss this forums positive bits.
Not all people want a Facebook account.

Have a great life everyone. And do the best of your life.
Being negative all time just drag it down.

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