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Anyone around in Uppsala?

Just moved from London

post 10.Oct.2014, 12:27 PM
Post #1
Joined: 7.Oct.2014

Hi! I just moved to Uppsala on Monday and would love to meet any fellow English-speaking immigrants living in the area.

I'm not currently working and I haven't started SFI yet so my days feel a bit empty - it's a big change as I've been living in London for the past 4 years with a full time job and a large social circle.

I moved here with my Swedish partner who has taken up a PhD at the University. I used to work in communications for a charity, but I'm keeping an open mind about job prospects in Sweden as I know it can be really difficult to get a job as a non-Swede.

I'm enjoying it so far and since my partner lived in the UK for 8 years before moving back it feels like we're both having to adjust to the same things. It probably also helps that I've moved from London - at least it softens the blow of a 60 SEK pint!

If anyone fancies a fika let me know smile.gif I'm open to meeting people from any background/age/nationality and would love to hear other people's stories about what brought them to Sweden and their experiences of living here.

This board seems a bit quiet but hopefully someone will see this!

Helen x
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post 6.Nov.2014, 05:54 PM
Post #2

Hi Helen
I'm around, at least for a couple of weeks before work takes me off for a few months. My partner also works at the University and I'm happy to get together for fika nearly anytime during the day as I work at home. Not sure how to get in touch (i.e. is there a private message function here?)
If you figure this out before the 17 of the month, please let me know.
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post 7.Nov.2014, 02:46 PM
Post #3
Joined: 9.Jul.2006

Ignore this post, I'm an idiot tongue.gif
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post 20.May.2015, 12:39 PM
Post #4
Joined: 27.Mar.2014

Hi Helen!

I'd love to goss with you about life in Sweden! I'm just getting ready for my move to uppsala, and it would be lovely to have some social life organized for when I get there!

My husband will be working at the university as well, so we have that in common.

PM me if you're interested. I'm interested in hearing your experience, and what tips you have for my future arrival! I have no idea if we'd have anything in common, but I've decided that I'll probably be a fika addict. I'm also totally up for going for beers, but ouch! 60sek? I can probably only afford a half-pint! Hahaha! I'm also into dog walking/some form of easy fitness and hanging out with little people (I have a baby).

All the best,
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