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Any UK citizens here who got F-tax approved?

What is the document/authority in UK

post 27.Mar.2020, 01:04 PM
Post #1
Joined: 11.Mar.2020

Hi Everyone,

I am urgently looking for an advice paid/unpaid smile.gif, though Unpaid will be nice smile.gif or i can always buy you a dinner or coffee, I live near farsta strand smile.gif

So I need to know if any UK citizen who can help me point in right direction in the below situation

I applied for F-tax (for sole trader/Self employed IT consultant) at Skatteverket.
They asked me the following:

Please send us documentation or a certificate from qualified authority in UK that proves that you do not have any tax debts abroad. The certification can not be older than three months.

In response to when i sent them a document from HMRC showing my employment history / self assessment document with income, paid tax, tax codes.

When i called HMRC to provide required document they advised they can only provide employment history and that they cannot provide a document that certify i don't have tax debts in the UK, but the reader can calculate or can see from the information on P800 OR employment history (from HMRC) how much tax should have been paid and how much tax has been my case i provided calculation based on the document showing overpaid tax (Eligible for tax rebate) but apparently it is not accepted by Skatteverket

So is there anyone who can advise on what document (name of the document please) you have provided and from which authority in the UK it was? that was accepted by Skatteverket for this purpose

Many thanks
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post 27.Mar.2020, 07:37 PM
Post #2
Joined: 20.Sep.2011

You could try joining equifax or some other credit check agency and get a print out from them.

It's nearly 9 years since I got mine, I spoke to SV on the phone, she said "you haven't got any bad debts in UK have you?"... I said no and that was it!!
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post 27.Mar.2020, 11:52 PM
Post #3
Joined: 11.Mar.2020

Thanks @skogsbo for the advice...I actually asked the case worker if a credit report from experian would work but she didn't response on that - In my case she need a document from HMRC but hmrc said they don't provide such document, they can only do P800 which is just a simple tax/income figures breakdown.
Its interesting you just got away with simple yes smile.gif shocking mate smile.gif
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