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Cat / kitten for sale?

Having no luck on Blocket...

post 24.Jan.2015, 05:41 PM
Post #1
Joined: 9.Jul.2006

We would really like to buy a cat, but somehow we're not doing very well at it. Blocket seems to be a dead end - I've replied to numerous ads on the day they go out and been told "sorry, they're sold" even when the seller specifies that buyers should meet the cats first.

So does anyone know of any kittens that need a loving home?

We are late 20's, employed full time but I spend a lot of time at home, and both have experience with taking care of animals.
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post 24.Jan.2015, 06:44 PM
Post #2
Joined: 23.Dec.2011

Get one from a shelter:
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post 24.Jan.2015, 06:48 PM
Post #3
Joined: 9.Jul.2006

I like that option because they're usually de-wormed, vaccinated, etc. but the centres insist on the cats having another cat at home.
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post 24.Jan.2015, 07:07 PM
Post #4
Joined: 17.Jan.2011

OP, are you in a hurry?
There will probably be many more kittens for sale in about 6 months.
If you are looking for a regular house cat "bondkatt", not special breed...I think many the mating season gets started at the very begninning of spring so there will be a lot of cats for sale from June/July/August onwards.
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post 24.Jan.2015, 11:23 PM
Post #5
Joined: 26.Feb.2014

facebook loppises usually have pets too, just look for ones in ure area
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