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Immigrating to Sweden to travel the world

Looking for insight as an American

post 19.Oct.2019, 08:39 AM
Post #1
Location: North America
Joined: 19.Oct.2019

I plan to move to Sweden to pursue further education and career options after leaving the U.S.
Wanting to travel the world, I would like to use Sweden as my hub/home that I can return to, rest, and build up more savings, etc. before I can take my next trip.

Thoughts, suggestions, or anything else I should consider?
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post 19.Oct.2019, 08:53 AM
Post #2
Joined: 15.Feb.2018

QUOTE (sadmerican @ 19.Oct.2019, 09:39 AM) *
I plan to move to Sweden to pursue further education and career options after leaving the U.S. Wanting to travel the world, I would like to use Sweden as my hub/home that I c ... (show full quote)

This is silly. Are you high?

Why not stay in the USA, get a degree from a better university, have better and more career options, have more spending power/ ability to save, and use the US as your hub?

It would save you a lot of trouble.

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post 19.Oct.2019, 08:55 AM
Post #3
Location: North America
Joined: 19.Oct.2019

QUOTE (Saywhatwhat @ 19.Oct.2019, 02:53 AM) *
This is silly. Are you high? Why not stay in the USA, get a degree from a better university, have better and more career options, have more spending power/ ability to save, an ... (show full quote)

I've been to Europe and I know it's where I want to be. Flying is expensive as hell. I'd rather be in closer proximity to all the places I want to go.
I already have my degree and some savings.

But also I'm just paranoid of getting shot up.
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post 20.Oct.2019, 07:48 AM
Post #4
Joined: 15.Feb.2018

QUOTE (sadmerican @ 19.Oct.2019, 09:55 AM) *
I've been to Europe and I know it's where I want to be. Flying is expensive as hell. I'd rather be in closer proximity to all the places I want to go.I already hav ... (show full quote)

Cool story bro.

How do you plan on moving to Sweden? You should maybe think of that before thinking of traveling the world.
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post 21.Oct.2019, 01:17 AM
Post #5
Location: North America
Joined: 19.Oct.2019

QUOTE (Saywhatwhat @ 20.Oct.2019, 01:48 AM) *
Cool story bro.. How do you plan on moving to Sweden? You should maybe think of that before thinking of traveling the world.

Y''all gotta chill. I've already made my plans and I know how it will work. I was only looking for extra insight, not bullshit deconstructive criticism.
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post 21.Oct.2019, 04:23 AM
Post #6
Joined: 20.Feb.2012

"I know how it will work"

Really? Certainly doesn't read that way.

Are you prepared to be flight-shamed for all your jet-setting? And did you know, there is an anti-red-meat movement, arising in your favourite country?

I am guessing we will start hearing of "eco-suicides" in Meatballia, quite soon, since a high percentage of people there have been shamed just for existing (cause you know, even existing is bad for the environment, right?).

Seriously, you are not gonna save any money living in Sweden, unless you live in the middle of nowhere.

Have you seen the connections out of Arlanda, quite bad. You'll end up having to go to a proper hub just as a first leg on your "tours" (Heathrow or Helsinki, for example). And then if you live in the middle of nowhere (which, let's face it, you will need to, in order to carry out your wacky plan), you can add an extra day each way just to get to Stockholm, which is just a proxy to real gateways (Heathrow or Helsinki).

Good luck, you silly silly fool!
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post 21.Oct.2019, 08:30 AM
Post #7
Location: Stockholm
Joined: 2.Oct.2019

QUOTE (sadmerican @ 19.Oct.2019, 09:39 AM) *
I plan to move to Sweden to pursue further education and career options after leaving the U.S. Wanting to travel the world, I would like to use Sweden as my hub/home that I c ... (show full quote)

1. Get a job offer. or Apply to a Swedish university.
2. Explain to your eventual employer that you would need a work visa in order to work in Sweden. They most likely won't be aware of it. Complete the work visa application. It would normally take up to 2-3 months for the Swedish migration agency to issue the work visa and then you can move here and start working.

or Get admitted to a Swedish university. Apply for a student visa.

You're gonna regret it very soon though. This is not Europe, this is a xenophobic, racist shithole.

Move to Paris instead.
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post 21.Oct.2019, 08:44 AM
Post #8
Location: Malmö
Joined: 8.Jan.2010

QUOTE (champaignepapi @ 21.Oct.2019, 08:30 AM) *
You're gonna regret it very soon though. This is not Europe, this is a xenophobic, racist shithole. . Move to Paris instead.

In my personal experience, there are more rabid, xenophobic, racist SweNazis online than you encounter in real-life in Sweden, unlike in USA or even France.

That is mainly because Swedish society as a whole and by a vast majority is quite secular, inclusive and progressive.

So, please dont listen to the naysayers, and welcome to join the many Americans happily settled in Sweden.
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post 21.Oct.2019, 08:46 AM
Post #9
Location: Stockholm
Joined: 2.Oct.2019

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post 21.Oct.2019, 04:27 PM
Post #10
Joined: 15.Feb.2018

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post 22.Oct.2019, 08:27 PM
Post #11
Joined: 21.Apr.2016

You do know Sweden is one of the most expensive countries in Europe right??

Doesnt sound like a very well researched plan if you ask me.

Also, you think you can just move and get a job that easily?

See the thousands of posts.

I rest my case here.
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post 23.Oct.2019, 09:19 AM
Post #12
Location: Stockholm
Joined: 2.Oct.2019

QUOTE (Svedallas @ 22.Oct.2019, 09:27 PM) *
Also, you think you can just move and get a job that easily?

It's actually not hard at all.
Many people on this forum can't even spell properly, so using them as a reference is not legit.
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post 23.Oct.2019, 11:38 AM
Post #13
Joined: 15.Feb.2018

QUOTE (champaignepapi @ 23.Oct.2019, 10:19 AM) *
It's actually not hard at all.. Many people on this forum can't even spell properly, so using them as a reference is not legit.

Can I put you down as a reference?
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post 23.Oct.2019, 11:41 AM
Post #14
Location: Stockholm
Joined: 2.Oct.2019

QUOTE (Saywhatwhat @ 23.Oct.2019, 12:38 PM) *
Can I put you down as a reference?

Say what?
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post 23.Oct.2019, 05:18 PM
Post #15
Joined: 15.Feb.2018

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