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Nanny or Babysitter Wanted

3 Weeks, Gothenburg

post 8.Aug.2014, 05:43 AM
Post #1
Joined: 16.Dec.2013


We are a family of 3 living in East Gothenburg (Olofstorp). As I work abroad on short term projects and my wife is a nurse at Sahlgrenska, we are looking for a Nanny/Babysitter starting around August 19th for 3 weeks for our wonderful son of 17 months.

We require someone who can work flexible hours. Some days start as early as 0530. Other shifts can end as late as 2200. Typically a day will not be more than 10 hours. On average there will be shifts of 4 days per week. Pay is negotiable.

The successful candidate will have access to a vehicle for the duration of the job if she/he has a valid Swedish driver's license. We speak Swedish and English and the job does not require you to speak both.

For more information, please send me a message here and we will be happy to connect with you.

We look forward to any interested parties or helpful information.

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post 30.Oct.2014, 10:07 AM
Post #2

Are you still looking for a baby sitter ?
If yes iam interested
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Erica Adormeo
post 3.Feb.2021, 02:58 PM
Post #3
Joined: 3.Feb.2021

Good day! Are you still looking for a babysitter?
If yes I am interested. Thank you
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