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Swedish industry output suffers biggest drop

Svensk Output Plunges

post 9.Nov.2012, 01:47 PM
Post #1
Location: Europe
Joined: 28.Oct.2008

Continuing off from another thread a day or 2 ago, I came across these 2 news stories today regarding the Swedish industrial output.

Cant help but think it looks some what grim.
I wonder who will be first to comment about the situation and try to draw similarities to other countries worse off, North Korea?
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post 9.Nov.2012, 08:36 PM
Post #2
Location: Europe
Joined: 28.Oct.2008

So these results had a big effect on the currencies strength and in much sense devalued it.
I wonder if Sweden is still this safe haven for banking, that politicians were spouting off about a couple months back.
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post 10.Nov.2012, 04:14 PM
Post #3
Joined: 5.Jul.2012

Regarding the Krona, here is the trend as of 2012 against the GBP, $, and the €. See what you make of this.

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