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Lookig For family lawyer need help.Need help for a lawyer custody case. |
Joined: 3.Jan.2021 |
How do it work in sweden, i need a familie lawyer around Stockholm regarden a custody case about mijn child ,im the father im from Holland, mother of mijn child is from philippines. But living nog in sweden with a New man.
Wher can i get a free lawyer in sweden? Do the govermant pay for it? How is the law in sweden regarden custody,and raising and taken car for the father for his child? I hoop some People can help me or atleas point me in the richt wat. Thank y |
Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
Joined: 25.Jul.2012 |
Legal assistance from the state ("r?ttshj?lp") is normally not available if the issue is custody of a child. Most residents have a home insurance that give a limited financial assistance in legal disputes.
Joined: 3.Jan.2021 |
Im a registered father in Holland and sweden in Holland i have custody,and mij child is olso a dutch person (she had a dutch paspoort) but mother whant solo custody and that the child dont vist Holland, and she dont whant that i wil olso raise mij child and take care of her.
Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
Joined: 3.Jan.2021 |
We had joint custody in holland, but she whants now solo custody in sweden. And she dont whant to work on a parent plan. She whants our child alone with her new boyfriend. She dont belief that when the marriage is over. That y stil both are parents and that the child have the right to have care and parenting duties from her father, and having a good relationship with her father.
Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
Joined: 17.Jan.2011 |
We had joint custody in holland, but she whants now solo custody in sweden. And she dont whant to work on a parent plan. She whants our child alone with her new boyfriend. She
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If you have joint custody in Sweden, then both parents need to approve any changes to registered residential address, enrollment in school etc. So you need to find out what custody situation is registered in Sweden, and get it changed to joint custody as in Holland. Are you contesting the removal of the child from the Netehrlands also? If soyou should contact the authorities in the Netherlands citing the Hague Convention or sth |
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