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Only in Sweden

I am disgusted!

post 31.Mar.2010, 09:07 AM
Post #1
Joined: 7.Oct.2006

On Monday I was on my way to the petrol station and from there going onto watch a theatre performance. My digital reading said there was 40km left of fuel. The petrol station was less than 1km away.

I pulled up at a set of lights which was 3 lanes wide. One lane going left, one in the middle going straight ahead and one going right. I was in the middle lane going straight ahead with 2 cars in front of me.

...the car stalled then died.

After sitting there like an idiot for 2 light changes I came to the conclusion that the reading on the car was obviously wrong and I didn't have 40k of fuel left but ziltch.

Behind me sat a line of traffic, (for the last 2 light changes), at least 10-15 cars...mostly men.

They watched me get out of my car, and push the bl**dy car and steer it at the same time...out of their frickin way. by offers, no help, nothing but dirty looks at me that I took an extra 3-5 minutes out of their time while they all sat and watched me.

I have lived in sooooo many different countries and never, would I have ever seen a woman push a car by herself, steer it while over 10 blokes watch, and I am not as young as I would like to be. It is disgusting!

I know they don't open doors here, but this is another level entirely.
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post 31.Mar.2010, 09:12 AM
Post #2
Location: Gothenburg
Joined: 18.Apr.2005

They pay their taxes. It is up to the government to arrange a system where you contact Helpapushaverket if you need help pushing a car out of the way.
I'm surprised you didn't get a fine for holding up traffic and parking illegally.
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post 31.Mar.2010, 09:18 AM
Post #3
Joined: 7.Oct.2006

...I got the fine 2 weeks ago for HELPING a friend move. 750kr. Had a sign on the car window pointing at the door, the door open 1.5m from the front door of the ground floor apartment with the mobile number on. The woman could have leaned in the door and said, "can you move your car" but it was easy for her to fill in the paperwork and give me a 750kr fine. (and there were no, No Parking signs...when I enquired after the fine they were 2 or 3 blocks away)...which by the way is where I was suppose to park the car and walk to with the entire apartments furniture.
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post 31.Mar.2010, 09:21 AM
Post #4
Joined: 10.Jul.2006

It does happen in other countries.
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post 31.Mar.2010, 09:26 AM
Post #5
Joined: 30.May.2009

LOL laugh.gif

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post 31.Mar.2010, 09:26 AM
Post #6
Joined: 7.Oct.2006

It wouldn't happen in:
and probably Africa, I'm sure the whole village would come and help!
So, where have you seen this happen?
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post 31.Mar.2010, 09:29 AM
Post #7
Joined: 10.Jul.2006

In Spain if you stop and help someone they might rob you because it is a common scam to pretend to have a brokendown car by the side of the road.

A lot of Swedes have been robbed this way.
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post 31.Mar.2010, 09:31 AM
Post #8
Joined: 10.Jul.2006

In Alingsås there was a carcrash and a man stopped to help people. Another couple involved in the crash then stole his car and drove off.
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post 31.Mar.2010, 09:34 AM
Post #9
Joined: 7.Oct.2006

So, the thought is I might rob someone in Sweden if they help me push my car, in my high heals and evening wear. That is a Swede in his own country helping someone that "looks" like they are swedish not southern european?
It still is pretty pathetic that 10+ guys in THIS country watched me push and steer my car, which is NOT an old bomb either.
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post 31.Mar.2010, 09:37 AM
Post #10
Joined: 10.Jul.2006

If you managed to push it they may have thought that you could handle it. Swedish women are very independent.
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post 31.Mar.2010, 09:43 AM
Post #11
Joined: 27.Jan.2010


I 100% share your frustration on this. Given you have provied an accurate account of the situation it is totally unacceptable to not get out and help, be it a woman or a man. To me, playing the "I'm a helpless old woman"-card doesn't really work for me, but that's an aside. We all need a little help occsionally and we should all be ready to help a stranger out.

However, saying that this is could happen "only in Sweden" is a gross misrepresentation and generalisation from this situation, in my experience. I have lived in some of , and spent time in all, those countries you have listed and I have certainly experienced similar situations there. I don't dare to bring up any concrete example as my experience in these boards is that its is only tolerated to say negative things, rant and be disrespectful about Sweden and Swedes. But trust me I've been in some frustrating situations in some of the countries you mention.

Anyhow, I think that's beyond the point also. You are righly frustrated and want/need to have a rant and blowing things out of proportion and generalising is what ranting is all about. I know I would rant like mad if what happened to you happened to me!
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post 31.Mar.2010, 09:44 AM
Post #12
Location: Gothenburg
Joined: 18.Apr.2005

I'd have helped a man in the same situation.
Swedes are just not brought up to care about strangers.
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post 31.Mar.2010, 09:45 AM
Post #13
Joined: 7.Oct.2006

That statement doesn't cut the mustard!

I bet you if you did a survey here and said:
If you saw a woman, dressed up Sweden pushing a car would you

A) Get out and help
B Sit in your car and watch and wait then sneer at her and drive off
C) Presume she is going to rob you, wind your windows up and lock the door
D) Watch and cheer her on for being a STRONG VIKING woman

I am sure they would answer A and not B, C or D.

Maybe I should dye my hair blonde and get a boob job
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post 31.Mar.2010, 09:45 AM
Post #14
Joined: 10.Jul.2006

And other nationalities do other bad things.
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post 31.Mar.2010, 09:46 AM
Post #15
Joined: 10.Jul.2006

I wouldn't have helped a man in the same situation. It's too dangerous.
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