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Lived abroad but did not notify Skatteverket

Do I need to pay taxes?

post 20.Sep.2020, 01:10 AM
Post #1
Joined: 20.Sep.2020

Hello there, I have a question about taxation on foreign income.

I lived in Sweden (not swedish citizen) and lived in UK for almost 5 years. I did not notify skatteverket that I moved abroad simply because I didn't know I had to. I payed taxes in UK and do I still need to pay taxes on the income to skatteverket? In that time I fully lived in UK and did not lived in Sweden at all.

I never ever tried to hide or something. I just had no clue about that law and it exist at all.

Can someone here explain me more about it and do I need to worry about that. Thanks!
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post 20.Sep.2020, 01:45 PM
Post #2
Joined: 12.Dec.2013

No. You don't have to worry about that. The following is from the tax authority's own site...

If you have moved from Sweden and are residing in another country you may still be liable for tax in Sweden for income which has its source here.

You would only liable for tax in Sweden if you generated income here in Sweden. If you just moved to the UK and started working there without telling the Tax authority, you have nothing to worry about.
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post 20.Sep.2020, 03:21 PM
Post #3
Joined: 20.Sep.2020

Thank you very much for your reply!

I lived for almost 5 years in UK and now moved back to Sweden to start again here. For all those years I was resident in both countries (on documents only) for the reason I really had no clue that I need to notify Skatteverket. I worked and lived only in UK and had income only there and paying taxes there. Not a single krona in Sweden as income. I read something about Double Taxation Treaty entered into force on 20 December 2015 but still was really worried about. I did mistake to not notify them and I agree if they want to give me fine or anything like that but was really scared if I had to pay taxes for my whole income because that would be a lot of money.

Just one simply question. They can not take away my P/N and force me to leave Sweden for that mistake right? (I am from EU country but I think this it not very important if they decide to reject you from working and living here)

Thank you again for your reply and helped me to calm down because I get really scared.
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post 20.Sep.2020, 06:52 PM
Post #4
Joined: 12.Dec.2013

They can not take away my P/N and force me to leave Sweden for that mistake right?

Assuming that you are from another EU country that is NOT the UK, then they won't do that. Your rights are the same as before you went to work in the UK. Of course you may have other issues, such as not having had any income in Sweden for the last 5 years...something that may impact of your ability to re-start your life here.
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post 20.Sep.2020, 09:38 PM
Post #5
Joined: 20.Sep.2020

Awesome! Thank you for your help. Definitely will calm down.

Now I have job, worked here for more than 3 months and still have contract. If they stop me from working how they would expect me to live and pay taxes that is weird?

I hope they would not bother to look on this but you never know...

Once again THANK YOU!
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