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Sweden's Rush to Multiculturism

post 18.Jul.2008, 01:36 PM
Post #1
Joined: 15.Jul.2008

My topic heading comes from one of your many archived articles on the emotive subject of immigration - an issue certain to spark debate. As a resident of London who travels frequently to your delightful country I urge all rightminded Swedes to learn from the catastrophe that uncontrolled immigration and 'multiculturism' has inflicted upon the UK over the past 40 years.

The costs in welfare, demands on housing stock, extra schooling, our prisons, social infrastructure, policing and community relations has brought the UK to its knees. Society is indeed 'broken,' as countless articles on current UK community life now report. In truth the unwished for, unplanned and unvoted for move to UK multiculturism has produced a massive polarisation among all ethnic types and engendered a deep sense of futiliy and despair in Britain's white working-class. Poverty is rising, law and order breaking down, black estates mushrooming into lawless no-go areas plagued by teenage knife gangs and drug dealers. Britain's vast Muslim community is increasingly radicalised into embracing political extremism, encouraged to observe new loyalties based on Sharia law, rather than the liberal democratic principles of their host country.

Like us, Sweden is a small country. A still green, tolerant and pleasant land. Like us, Swedes have a proud track record of decency and democracy. But take heed - listen to the voices of reason, even the many liberal politcians I see now prepared to speak up, follow the British path and you will reap the whirlwind.

Don't rush to assume these are the views of some neo-Nazi thug. Modern history is my speciality. Immigrants are blameless and often victims. Most are simply economic migrants seeking a better life. I did the same myself by living in Germany for 10 years - but AS A GERMAN. I asked no favours and totally embraced that society. As for 'asylum seekers,' the Third World and areas of conflict will only change when indigenous peoples are prepared to fight for change from within. True patriots understand this. Their political fight is not ours.

Dear people of Sweden, protect your heritage and preserve your way of life. You have been warned.
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post 18.Jul.2008, 01:40 PM
Post #2
Joined: 12.Apr.2005

tongue.gif tongue.gif tongue.gif
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post 18.Jul.2008, 01:45 PM
Post #3
Location: Gothenburg
Joined: 21.Dec.2005

You did well to post this on an immigrants' forum. I feel truly chastened, ashamed of my selfish desire to move to this tiny little country, and shall hasten home forthwith. I had no idea my presence here would cause such disruption, and Swedes have been too polite to point it out, so thank God you're here to shed light on the situation.
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Miss Kitten
post 18.Jul.2008, 01:58 PM
Post #4
Location: Kronoberg
Joined: 20.Aug.2007

You were aware that this website and this forum are frequented mainly by English speaking immigrants/expatriates, right? Oh, and most of us have jobs here in Sweden, pay taxes in Sweden, and can actually speak Swedish. I guess that's not enough, though. Let's all go back to where we came from, everyone.
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post 18.Jul.2008, 02:08 PM
Post #5
Location: Stockholm
Joined: 25.Jan.2006

Ah go back to your BNP rallies...


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post 18.Jul.2008, 02:17 PM
Post #6
Location: Gothenburg
Joined: 21.Dec.2005

Actually, reading the post again, I think I might be alright - it seems the problem is not immigrants per se, it's darkies.
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jack sprat
post 18.Jul.2008, 02:25 PM
Post #7
Joined: 15.Sep.2006

Reckon he must have picked up on all these Sambos who appear to be living in Sweden. laugh.gif
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post 18.Jul.2008, 02:34 PM
Post #8
Joined: 30.Oct.2007

What a ridiculous post. Why not look at some of the positive effects of immigration that you encounter in your day-to-day life

1) Irish pubs: Not much more needs to be said here
2) Food: Where would Sweden be if we could only get meatballs and pytt-i-panna
3) Zlatan: Love him or loath him, the guy is one heck of a footballer
4) Music and Dance: Has anyone been to a salsa night here in Sweden? It is great craic
5) The Local: Wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for us wonderful immigrants.

Come on guys, add more to this list. What do you enjoy most about a multi-cultural Sweden?
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post 18.Jul.2008, 02:36 PM
Post #9
Joined: 28.Jun.2008

The Nigerian hookers in the Rosenlund part of Gothenburg.
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post 18.Jul.2008, 02:40 PM
Post #10
Joined: 10.Jul.2006

I must say I haven't seen those...

I enjoy myself, as I am half Spanish... wink.gif

Seriously, I enjoy weird Swedish pizzas, like kebabpizza. smile.gif
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post 18.Jul.2008, 02:40 PM
Post #11
Location: Stockholm
Joined: 2.Apr.2006

[quote=kraftwerker] ...multiculturism has [...] engendered a deep sense of futiliy and despair in Britain's white working-class. [/quote]

poor white working class.

[quote=kraftwerker] Like us, Sweden is a small country. A still green, tolerant and pleasant land. [/quote]

60 million is a "small" country? is either country going to stop being green? and is sweden known as a "green country?"

[quote=kraftwerker] As for 'asylum seekers,' the Third World and areas of conflict will only change when indigenous peoples are prepared to fight for change from within. True patriots understand this. Their political fight is not ours.[/quote] ah, so even if they will come to the UK or sweden and respect laws and live as the locals...they're still not welcome

[quote=kraftwerker] Dear people of Sweden, protect your heritage and preserve your way of life. .[/quote]
some people are so kind in how they greet people.[/quote]

You have been warned[/quote]

now that doesn't sound as friendly.
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post 18.Jul.2008, 02:40 PM
Post #12
Joined: 10.Jul.2006

Oi and by the way Sweden is NOT a small country. Try looking at a map mate!
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post 18.Jul.2008, 02:41 PM
Post #13
Location: Stockholm
Joined: 2.Apr.2006

neither is the UK population-wise
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post 18.Jul.2008, 02:42 PM
Post #14
Joined: 10.Jul.2006

No, exactly... lol.
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post 18.Jul.2008, 02:44 PM
Post #15
Location: Gothenburg
Joined: 21.Dec.2005

Pubs open on midsommar, and shops/restaurants open beyond 7pm generally.

Learning new stuff. Despite coming from uber-multi-culti London, I had never met or even heard of an Assyrian til I got here, started reading up on them, fascinating history.

The possibility of getting a free holiday in Thailand when my Swedish mate married to a Thai moves out there later this year.

Actually, multi-culturalism generally is probably improving Sweden no end. Living among people who all think the same way and do the same things and never even consider the possibility of, you know, other stuff would be incredibly dull. Might as well move to Riyadh.
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