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IT labor market in SwedenDo HRs in Sweden blacklist candidate permanently? |
*Guest* |
Hi there, I have applied IT jobs with Sigma IT Gothenburg almost 3 years ago and got contacted by these HRs. but i didn't passed the coding ability test so there was no offer. after 1year and 9 months i have applied other 3 positions with them but they never contact with me again.
I know in many other countries such as UK, these HRs usually block/blacklisted failed candidates for 1 to 1.5 years, but it seems in Sweden if you ever failed once, these HRs will block/blacklist you forever? and it seesm HRs who living at same town but working for different compnaies tend to sharing information with each other, so i mess up with 1 HR in gbg, does that normally means i will be marked as Untouchable/'Don't Hire This Person' in the whole gothenburg's it labor market? |
Joined: 14.Sep.2020 |
I have no information on Sigma in Gothenburg but I have been involved in hiring at an IT company in Stockholm and we usually suggested candidates that failed the coding test to apply again after 3 months, so I don't think they blacklisted you forever.
Recruiters share information with each other but not on a personal level, I'm pretty sure nobody went on telling the others not to hire you. |
Joined: 16.May.2006 |
Hang on a second:
You failed the test for basic code and you are re-applying for the same type of employment at the same company. Can you code now? Perhaps mention that in your cover letter and call the HR department... just a thought. |
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