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Looking for kiwis

Drop me a line...

post 12.Jul.2011, 07:56 PM
Post #1
Joined: 17.May.2010

Tjena!!! tongue.gif

any kiwis or aussies out there in the göteborg region???????
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post 13.Jul.2011, 03:07 PM
Post #2
Joined: 16.Mar.2011

hey am new here from nelson been here a few weeks and living in molndal so good to see a few kiwis on here be nice to catch up
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post 14.Jul.2011, 05:01 PM
Post #3
Location: Gothenburg
Joined: 1.Nov.2005

Greetings. I'm one of about 6 Kiwis I know in The Borg.

Välkommen, bro's.
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post 1.Dec.2011, 09:48 AM
Post #4

Another one here ... I live south of Gothenburg (Onsala)
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post 1.Dec.2011, 10:01 AM
Post #5
Location: Luleå
Joined: 4.Sep.2009

There's a few of us scattered around the place. I think we're attracted to the cold.
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post 17.Mar.2013, 05:59 PM
Post #6
Joined: 28.Sep.2010

Hallo - Also a kiwi living in Gothenburg.
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post 23.Aug.2013, 12:11 PM
Post #7

There is an Australian pub in town called Dancing Dingo. Maybe you can find some there as well! smile.gif
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post 23.Aug.2013, 04:15 PM
Post #8
Location: Västerbotten
Joined: 25.Mar.2013

Hej hej, good to see other Kiwis are out there smile.gif I've been here on the west coast in Strömstad for the summer - I'd recommend you Göteborgare catch a train up the coast for some sight-seeing and a swim (before summer's gone!), it's so pretty here! But my sambo and I are moving to Umeå next week so she can study, so won't be making any Gothenburg events for a while smile.gif
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post 20.Mar.2014, 08:12 PM
Post #9

Hej Hej!

Recently moved to Gothenburg from Auckland, NZ...any Kiwis still about??

And my "hej hej" is sorta the limit to my swedish vocab unfortunately haha
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post 21.May.2014, 11:16 PM
Post #10
Joined: 21.May.2014


I meet 1 or 2 kiwis here and there. I think there are more aussies like me here atm.

go to slottskogen with a rugby ball and they will come to you ;-)
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post 15.Sep.2015, 09:36 PM
Post #11

I am a Kiwi who has recently arrived with my family here in Gothenburg and I wouldn't mind watching the RWC at a pub with a few Kiwis, Aussies, Pacific Islanders or South Africans... I heard that the Dubliner shows the games??? If anyone is interested in ganging up and supporting the Southern Hemisphere sides flick me a mail at
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