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Moving to Sweden next year from UK

Need some advice on visa for UK Citz.

post 8.Dec.2020, 02:56 AM
Post #1
Location: United Kingdom
Joined: 19.Sep.2011

Right then folks,

Last time I posted on here was in 2011...I asked a similar but different question back then but we never went ahead with moving to Sweden.
Fast forward 9 years and I still wish I'd made a move all those years ago.

I still work offshore in the Oil & Gas industry, working a 2 week on/ 3 week off rota, wages PAYE to UK HMRC.
I'm now married (to the GF I had back then) and have two daughters (6 & 4yo).

Long and short of it goes like this...I want to sell my property in the UK and buy a house outright in Sweden with c50% of the equity. I plan to commute to work as mentioned above to the UK (once all this C-19 has calmed down.
I was thinking of moving somewhere between 2-3 hours between Oslo, Gothenburg & Stockholm to benefit from airports/flights to Scotland, UK...historically we like Karlstad, I want something small town/semi-rural not a city!

How would I stand with us leaving the EU regarding residency? My wife and children all have Dual British/Irish nationality however I'm British alone. Is there anything I can do upfront before moving?

Not so worried about the taxation any longer, what I save on Mortgage and bills in the UK will be more than I will have to pay additional to the Swedish Tax.

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post 8.Dec.2020, 10:55 AM
Post #2
Location: Stockholm
Joined: 5.Jul.2006

As you are aware the rules change from 1 Jan 2021. Health insurance for the family will be an issue as you are no longer covered under EU regulations. You will need a visa/apply for residency as a non EU resident and you plan to stay more than 90 days. Other issues such as driving licences etc. also become more problematic too as I don't think the simple swap thing will exist anymore and will probably need to take a Swedish test with in 12 months. You wife and children might fair better as they have EU citizenship and move under the EU freedoms as before. That said insurance is still needed for them too.

The import of your possessions might also incur problems as you might need to pay import fees, but again this is something you'll need to research.

As of 1 Jan many UK banks will no longer allow EU citizens to hold an account with an EU address. So if you plan to maintain your UK bank account you might also need to check that your bank will allow you to change your address to an EU address.

The Migration website should have all the information you would need to know before moving over here.

As things are changing, I don't think anybody has all the answers for you and you will need to engage with the relevant authorities. You will be classed as someone migrating from outside of the EU so things for you might be a little more difficult than for your wife and children.
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