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Feedback Required on medical Wearable Business

For Employees and Insurance Companies

post 5.Jul.2016, 09:00 AM
Post #1
Joined: 1.Mar.2016

Hello All,
I am a master student of EIT Digital and I am now in Paris attending Cyber Physical System Summer School in ECE school.
I am in Cyber Physical System Summer School. Our team has a business idea on medical wearable device and we want some feedback on it.

The medical wearable device is named Haployee i.e Happy and Healthy Employees.

Haployee is a wearable device along with a sitting pad which measures your postures and gives you data about your health parameters i.e. Heart rate, blood pressure, anxiety level, skin temperature and body fat(Bmi).

Wearable device has five sensors
1. Heart rate sensor
2. Blood pressure sensor
3. Galvanic skin response sensor for anxiety levels
4. Bioelectrical Impedance sensor for fat
5. Skin temperature sensor

A sitting pad will detect wrong postures of you while sitting and notifies you about wrong positions via mobile app.

The data would be stored in our cloud server and we can provide average statistics of individuals health data to insurance companies on subscription fee. Individuals will get complete analysis and prediction of medical health conditions on subscription fees.

It is easy to use and secure. It is for people who want to take care of their health while working. Sitting continuously and taking stress is the cause of many diseases. This device will help individuals to keep track of their mental and physical health.

It contains a sitting pad and a wearable which you can put your pocket or put in bracelet or necklace. It is connected to your mobile phone and provides you with your health data. Efficient algorithms analyses data and provides prediction of any health conditions which needs to be taken care of.
I am thinking of making insurance companies and individuals as customers. Insurance companies will provide it to its own client companies' employees. We will provide average data analysis of employees to them on subscription fee. Insurance companies can provide incentives to those employees of its client companies who show their data to them. By making healthy employees, both insurance companies and their client companies can get benefit in form of reduction in medical bills.


Questions for Individuals:
Do you have an insurance of your own? Does your company provide you with insurance??
Would you be willing to receive and have health information about yourself collected when you are working?
Would you share this data with your insurance company?
What if they offer you a discount? Or additional coverage?
What kind of health information would you be willing to share )?
How would you want the information you provide to be formatted for the insurance company (average compared to other people or other)?
Questions for Insurance Companies or managers or HR>
What type of insurances do you provide to companies?
Which information could be interesting?
Would you provide discounts to companies that provide those data?
Do you have access to data about companies' employees?
Any Feedback will be appreciated

Best Regards
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post 12.Oct.2018, 10:34 PM
Post #2
Joined: 30.Sep.2018

Yes, I also think it is appropriate. It has already been named into Health/Medical studies. Thanks for your suggestion.
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