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Can Swedish Citizenship be revoked after 30 years?

Need advice

post 23.Dec.2020, 06:08 AM
Post #1
Joined: 23.Dec.2020


I was born to a Swedish father and lived abroad my whole life. At 35, the embassy of Sweden has decided to revoke my Swedish Citizenship this year.

The reason stated is that according to the Act of Swedish Citizenship a person who was born abroad and has little ties to Sweden can get their passport removed if they haven't applied for Swedish Citizenship before the age of 22. So why did they renew my passport till now?

Also, I signed a document (waiting for a copy) in the Embassy when I was 22 years old but they are saying it's not valid as I was over the age of 22.

They are also saying that I don't have enough ties to Sweden as I've only been there 3 times.

What I don't understand is that I shouldn't have received a passport when I was over 22 and the Swedish Citizenship once received normally can't be revoked.

Any advice would be welcomed

PS: I hold dual citizenship

Thank you
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post 23.Dec.2020, 09:18 AM
Post #2
Joined: 12.Dec.2013

Well, everything they have told your appears to agree with what is stated here... I fear you will indeed lose it.
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post 23.Dec.2020, 11:28 AM
Post #3
Joined: 17.Jan.2011

There was a thread with a smilar question a while back, that might have something useful in it. Sorry but I didn't feel like looking through the archives for it.
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post 23.Dec.2020, 05:23 PM
Post #4
Joined: 7.Jul.2006

Do you have dual nationality? Then they can set their rules to take away the Swedish one as long as the rules apply to everyone. You could always see what the ECHR human rights say on this, but I'm not sure if that would make any difference as you've only been to the country 3 times. Why would you want to keep citizenship for a country that you've never lived in? Assuming if you have another nationality, then why isn't that good enough?
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post 28.Dec.2020, 02:45 PM
Post #5
Joined: 23.Dec.2020

Thank you all for your replied

QUOTE (Essingen55 @ 23.Dec.2020, 09:18 AM) *
Well, everything they have told your appears to agree with what is stated here.... I fear you will indeed lose it.

I appreciate your feedback, but my passport was renewed twice past the age of 22 which is why I find it strange for them to revoke it now.

QUOTE (ChocOwl @ 23.Dec.2020, 11:28 AM) *
There was a thread with a smilar question a while back, that might have something useful in it. Sorry but I didn't feel like looking through the archives for it.

Thank you for your reply.I'm guessing you are referring to this thread:;#entry935363

QUOTE (Mib @ 23.Dec.2020, 05:23 PM) *
Do you have dual nationality? Then they can set their rules to take away the Swedish one as long as the rules apply to everyone. You could always see what the ECHR human right ... (show full quote)

Do you have dual nationality? YES
Then they can set their rules to take away the Swedish one as long as the rules apply to everyone- Well my sister was able to keep hers after a two-year lawsuit.

Why would you want to keep citizenship for a country that you've never lived in?

My dad was Swedish and therefore I feel Swedish. My name is fully Swedish and I'd like to keep my heritage for me and my children.
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Barbro B
post 28.Dec.2020, 06:58 PM
Post #6
Joined: 5.Sep.2018

I am the one who had a thread so very similar to your situation. It was a few years ago and after many tries we still have no satisfaction from the Swedish government.

Would love to know what your sister did and can you try the same thing she did? And We would be willing to do it also.
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post 28.Dec.2020, 09:43 PM
Post #7
Joined: 12.Dec.2013

QUOTE (Essingen55 @ 23.Dec.2020, 09:18 AM) *
Well, everything they have told your appears to agree with what is stated here... I fear you will indeed lose it.

I appreciate your feedback, but my passport was renewed twice past the age of 22 which is why I find it strange for them to revoke it now.

But they made some changes to the rules for citizenship in 2015...

"In 2015, a number of minor changes to the Swedish Citizenship Act came into force. The Citizenship Act now includes a preamble stating that Swedish citizenship stands for affinity with Sweden and links all citizens. It also states that Swedish citizenship consists of rights and responsibilities."

I am sorry but I don't see that you have any chance.
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