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Seeking in GothenburgCan anyone help? |
*Guest* |
Ok I know this will be a long shot but only chance!
I am looking to make contact with a girl called Liselle, I had her contact number but lost phone and number :-( I believe that she worked for Avis car rental in Gothenburg but was a few years ago so may not work there now? I know it is a long shot but all I have. I am from Glasgow in Scotland. Any help would be cool |
Joined: 4.Mar.2009 |
For once an easy one. According to, there are only 9 people in the whole of Sweden with that name. You could try the one in Hisings Backa first. But the one in Dingle actually uses that name, not all the others do. Kiruna and Boden might be last to try.
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*Guest* |
Thanks Hallander
I dont really know any of the places that you talk about, i am not sure if she even still works for Avis? And if she does i doubt they would pass employee details? At least it is a start so thanks for that! Any more help from anyone is appreciated. |
Joined: 23.Dec.2011 |
You don't have to contact Avis, just contact the Liselles on and ask if she is the right one. Since this was a few years back, it's probably not one of the youngest of the list. If you have an approxamite age of the person this should be really easy. (It could be good to also click "P? samma adress" because that can show you if somebody else is living on the same adress, which might be a boyfriend or a husband. ) |
Joined: 4.Mar.2009 |
Have to laugh. Tell him where to look, the names of places to look. And he hasn't heard of Google or Google Maps to find the places.
Oh, and Google is so wonderful you can see where the Avis offices are in Gothenburg - there is one in Hisings Backa. It even has the phone number. Anything else we can look up for you ? ps Samma adress needs a bit of care - can bring up a long list where close inspection shows they are separate flats. But good tip - I have done the same. (My family history searching has got down to living persons - and its detailed search is brilliant.) |
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