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Uppehållsstatus for Brits after December 2020New information from Migrationsverket |
16.Nov.2020, 12:03 PM
Location: Borås Joined: 10.Mar.2016 |
New changes for Brits living in Sweden.
Only exception if you now are Swedish Citizen. Even if you have permanent uppeh?llsr?tt, you need to apply for Uppeh?llsstatus. And if you waiting for decision about citizenship you need to also apply for Uppeh?llsstatus. First day to apply is 1st of December 2020 to last 30th of September 2021. Read more: |
17.Nov.2020, 04:10 PM
Joined: 30.Sep.2019 |
They voted for it or how? Now they have to face consequences. I wonder if they will have driving card revoked also.
*Guest* |
17.Nov.2020, 04:44 PM
It is a clever move from their side. The permanent residency application is where Sweden is kicking out foreigner (not a work permit renewal). It is for those application that
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No one is being kicked out at all. The new rules between now and Sept 2021 are exactly the same as any brit applying for a personal number etc.. It will be different for those arriving after 1 Jan if there is nothing in the Brexit deal for migrant workers. But for Brits living and working in sweden today very little changes. |
17.Nov.2020, 06:17 PM
Joined: 7.Nov.2017 |
It is a clever move from their side. The permanent residency application is where Sweden is kicking out foreigner (not a work permit renewal). It is for those application that
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Why do you keep on lying about things that are so simple to verify? The size of the apartment was because the pakistani "super developer" wanted to bring his wife and three children in as dependents. He couldn't provide evidence that he was able to support them and was leaving because their upkeep couldn't be offloaded to the swedish government. He himself was welcome to stay. |
18.Nov.2020, 04:37 AM
Joined: 10.May.2020 |
No one is being kicked out at all. The new rules between now and Sept 2021 are exactly the same as any brit applying for a personal number etc.. It will be different for those
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Wallander arrives at another uninformed, hastily made conclusion. Like an embodiment of the entire nation, let's sit back and watch as he bumbles his way through yet another thread, with half baked opinions he tries to forge as fact. |
*Guest* |
18.Nov.2020, 06:58 AM
18.Nov.2020, 01:51 PM
Joined: 7.Nov.2017 |
22.Nov.2020, 11:06 AM
Joined: 7.Nov.2017 |
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