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Live in Scotland or Sweden?

Help me decide.

post 24.Apr.2020, 08:51 PM
Post #1
Joined: 16.Aug.2018

I have the option, due to personal circumstance, to live in Edinburgh, Scotland, or Lund, Sweden from October 2020. Many cost/benefits of both places. I can't decide. Which would you choose and why?
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post 25.Apr.2020, 06:23 AM
Post #2
Joined: 20.Sep.2011

I've lived in Edinburgh ( and Glasgow), it's a tough choice, you can't beat getting up in the highlands and seeing a haggis in its native habitat.
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post 25.Apr.2020, 07:04 AM
Post #3
Location: Värmland
Joined: 12.Oct.2015

if you are extravert choose Edinburgh if introvert-Lund, simple biggrin.gif
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post 25.Apr.2020, 07:16 PM
Post #4
Joined: 23.Aug.2016

How much spam are you going to post in this forum?
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