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Jesse Jackson: Swedes are better than this |
13.Oct.2011, 08:35 AM
Location: Stockholm Joined: 22.Dec.2004 |
Reverend Jesse Jackson called for global unity in a speech in Lund on Wednesday night, telling students "it is in your interest to fight for multiculturalism," in a visit prompted by the slave auction controversy in April.
The veteran civil rights campaigner arrived to give his lecture at Lund University in true American political fashion. As he walked down the centre aisle of the large auditorium he grinned, shook hands and waved to the large crowd. "When you step forward, the whole world stands with you," Jackson said as he opened his speech. Click to read the full article. |
13.Oct.2011, 08:55 AM
Joined: 26.Apr.2007 |
Jesse Jackson - A true racist if ever there was one - if you don't believe me google it
13.Oct.2011, 09:13 AM
Joined: 4.May.2007 |
Is this bufoon still here ?
13.Oct.2011, 09:22 AM
Joined: 8.May.2010 |
Good to have him here. Welcome and thanks for coming. We need people like him to remind the racists what is reality and inevitable.
13.Oct.2011, 09:35 AM
Joined: 13.Oct.2009 |
Blaha bla bla racism, bla bla racist. And not to speak of bladder bladder bladder. Blaha, blaha racism! Bladder bladder you bladdering racist!! Blaha blaha.
13.Oct.2011, 10:08 AM
Joined: 17.Feb.2010 |
Swedes: Jesse Jackson Is Better Than This
A disappointed Swede who attended one of Reverend Jesse Jackson's seminars in Lund this week said "I really thought Jesse Jackson would be better than this. He hasn't attacked the Jews, said he is "sick and tired of hearing about the Holocaust", called anyone a n*****, threatened to cut the nuts off the president of the United States, or called the Prime Minister of Israel a terrorist. He's just not very good." Delegates hope the Reverend Jesse Jackson will get better soon. The Reverend Jesse Jackson is in southern Sweden on a mission to bring about his version of global unity and racial harmony to Sweden. Very few Jews attended the Reverend's lectures, partly because of his decidedly racially inharmonious anti-semitic remarks, and partly because the Simon Wiesenthal Center advises Jews to stay away from southern Sweden anyway. |
13.Oct.2011, 10:54 AM
Joined: 23.Nov.2005 |
Jesse Jackson is a charlatan clown. His buffoonery is outdone only by those gullible enough to listen take his nonsense seriously.
13.Oct.2011, 11:03 AM
Joined: 28.Jul.2011 |
He's here scoping out blonde hotties.
13.Oct.2011, 11:32 AM
Joined: 5.Oct.2011 |
Wouldn't you? |
13.Oct.2011, 11:54 AM
Location: Malmö Joined: 10.Jul.2009 |
a perfect fallic symbold if i have ever seen one. get a life mr jackson.
13.Oct.2011, 11:57 AM
Joined: 12.Jul.2011 |
If you want to talk about racism, talk about racism. If you want to talk about multiculturalism, talk about multiculturalism. If you want to talk about Sharia law, talk about Sharia law. What we've got here is a failure to communicate.
As so many others have so often said, multiculturalism is often interpreted as doublespeak for Sharia law. When you, Reverend Jackson, speak of multiculturalism, should we therefore understand that you have come to Sweden to campaign for Sharia law? The concept of race should not be confused with culture, as the two are not inseparably seamed. So, if you want to promote love-thy-neighbor among people who perceive variation of physical features as deviant, then talk about racism and sexism. But Reverend, please do not confuse this as the struggle between proponents of secular law, which emphasizes equality among all humans, and proponents of religiously-based law, which enforces social hierarchy based on genitalia and adherence to one belief system, etc. |
*Guest* |
13.Oct.2011, 12:41 PM
We were created different to be different not to be mixed with each others.
13.Oct.2011, 12:52 PM
Location: Kristianstad Joined: 6.Nov.2010 |
I couldn't help but notice the last sentence in the story,"The speakers are, according to the Studentafton website, not compensated." Jesse Jackson's first priority is himself. He doesn't do a thing for free. I hope it comes out exactly what the deal was for him to speak in Lund.
13.Oct.2011, 02:26 PM
Joined: 21.Dec.2006 |
All that from a man that called New York City
"Hymie Town" Racist? Him? You bet! |
13.Oct.2011, 02:51 PM
Joined: 8.Oct.2011 |
Oh great, now Jesse Jackson is in Sweden telling Swedes what to think. As if Swedes need Jesse Jackson to scold them into adopting Political Correctness and to tell them what to think. Guess his act got so tired here in the U.S. that now he has to branch out to other countries too, to try to stay relevant or something lol.
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