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Repaying Child Allowance

Need help actually getting through to someone

post 10.Feb.2021, 12:10 AM
Post #1
Joined: 9.Feb.2021

Hi all,

I am Scottish and my wife is Swedish.

Before meeting my wife was living in Sweden claiming child allowance for her two children. When she moved to the UK to live with me she forgot to unregister her children when moving abroad, so she has ended up accruing large sum of child allowance that we are now required to pay back.

That in itself is not problem, but unfortunately, when attempting to contact the Swedish government in an attempt to pay back the amount they either want it in full (which we cannot currently afford) or to set up a payment plan. We've rang through 6 or 7 times now, but every time we've ended up reaching someone who apparently does not have "authority" to set up a payment plan and they keep telling us that they will call us back to set this up. No call has come, and it's now been over 2 months since we originally said "no contest" to the amount owed and agreed that we intended to pay it back.

In the meantime, we've been receiving letters telling us that we've failed to pay back the amount and they're adding extra amounts on as late payment fees, which we've told them we want to pay back but just don't have the means to pay the entire amount in one go. We even agreed with the lady on the phone that we'd pay 3000 SEK a month of it back, but have still had no call and keep getting these extra fines adding on to the total amount.

Does anyone have a contact number I can actually call that would be useful, or any course of action that we could possibly take? I personally don't speak any Swedish so I'm feeling helpless here, and my wife has spiralled into depression and is borderline suicidal over this.
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post 10.Feb.2021, 12:31 AM
Post #2
Joined: 23.Aug.2016

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post 10.Feb.2021, 08:32 AM
Post #3
Joined: 17.Jan.2011

Has your wife tried to make contact via Mina sidor on FK's website? There is a form called ?nskem?l om avbetalningsplan Nr 6850 which seems to be the relevant form. If you don't have an assigned handl?ggare you could send in the form (via Mina sidor) so you get one, then you will have a contact person who can help you.
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