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The Local _ Language _ Englishman wishes a Swedish cousin to get money

Posted by: Guest 14.Oct.2017, 09:38 PM

I have a limited life.
My cousin is Swedish and my will gives her money
How can my executors eventually get the money to her without and Swedish tax
And what is the easiest practical method of transmitting this money.

I am english and don't want any ofbthe money to go to the government in Sweden

Posted by: yet another brit 14.Oct.2017, 10:35 PM

Sweden has (no longer) either inheritance tax, nor gift tax. So giving someone money to/from abroad per se doesn't cause problems, though you/they may get asked about where it came from to make sure it is kosher (and not being used to fund drugs/terrorism/organised crime etc).

You asked about practicality - well, bank transfers in or out that are over 150 kSEK are automatically reported to the tax agency. Who may or may not (most likely not) enquire thereafter.

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