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Kö ..Worth it or not?Looking to see if the website is worth it |
Location: Gothenburg Joined: 7.Sep.2006 |
Hi all..Sorry if this was mentioned before...Is it worth it to subscribe to ? Thinking about doing the 6 months deal ? Does anyone know if its updated with current questions ?..I hate to admit this but I have FAILED the written test 7 times...I have studied till the cows come home..but I guess common sense doesnt work anymore..Driving is a breeze but that damn theory test..grrrr...soo do you think its worth it ? I know its cheaper then going to a driving school and buying th e manual..Thats a plus.. Live in Gbg
Thanks for any answers.. David |
Location: Luleå Joined: 4.Sep.2009 |
Whoa... 7 times ?? What's the deal there, David ? Same stuff tripping you up every time ?
Location: Scandanavia Joined: 15.May.2010 |
flyboy, what is it that you've been studying till the cows come home ? Out of date books or what ?
It would be far cheaper to invest in the tests than to keep paying for the tests surely ? Oh and btw, have you actually done the practical driving test yet ? |
Location: Luleå Joined: 4.Sep.2009 |
I'd probably hold off on the practical test. Although you can still sit the practical test after failing the theory test, there is a time limit between the 2. If the theory trend continues, you might end up having to sit the practical again as well. Seven misses suggests to me that you should probably fix that up first.
We managed to scrape Boar through after 3 attempts, so there's hope for us all. |
Location: Gothenburg Joined: 7.Sep.2006 |
The driving part is easy..perhaps too easy...Its the written test..those questions about weights and trailers etc...Of all the 7 times I had was only about 5 questions...The book that I am reading is from last year...Perhaps I should invest in a new book ? I need to get my körkort because it look better on my CV for some strange reason..Been driving in Sweden for 4 years now, illegally of course and only with my partner sooo if I ever get pulled over.I will act like a dumb american..LOL...
Location: Luleå Joined: 4.Sep.2009 |
There's no real calculating needed in the exam. Just a good understanding of how one reaches the answer. They never ask more than the standard speeds, distances, etc for the standard speed zones in Sweden. Which are all given in the training manuals.
The trailer stuff isn't as daunting as it seems. They only ask you questions where you can find the answer on the veicle registration papers. No calculating needed. Here's an earlier post: The Tjänstvikt, or Working (kerb) Weight, is the accepted weight of the car with a full tank of petrol and the driver behind the wheel. The maximum load is the amount of extra stuff you can have in your car (passengers, luggage etc) before reaching the Total Weight. They are all written on the car registration papers. The maximum total weight of the trailer (full loaded) can't exceed the kerb weight of the car with a B körkort. It can be the same weight as the car, but it can't be heavier. And the accepted combined weight of the fully loaded car plus trailer can't exceed 3500kg with a B körkort. So if you had a car which had a kerb weight of 1600kg and a maximum total weight of 2000kg, then the most that your loaded trailer can weigh would be 1500kg. It's less than the car's kerb weight and doesn't go over the 3500kg limit. Unless the registration papers for the car give a lower maximum permitted weight for both car and trailer. Here's what it says for my car: Tjänstevikt: 1 556 kg Max last: 544 kg Totalvikt: 2 100 kg Max släpvagnsvikt: 1 800 kg Med B-kort: 1 400 kg Typically the question is "what is the maximum weight of a trailer you can tow using this car with a B Körkort ?" |
Joined: 10.Oct.2009 |
GPLUSA, Good explanantion.
As you stated in another körkort related post about the reaction & breaking time/ distance table that the table is available in the book, Unfortunately I am not able to find that table / Information. If you kindly state the table / same information here it would help both me and flyiboy2. Tack i förhand. |
Location: Luleå Joined: 4.Sep.2009 |
Ok, here's a few from Körkortsboken: Stopping (reaction + braking) distance for an "average vehicle on dry sealed conditions": 30kph=13m, 50kph= 27m, 60kph=34m, 70kph=42m, 90kph=63m, 110kph:90m. Naturally it varies a lot depending on vehicles, tryes, etc so they give you only one alternative which is near to the average figure for that speed. No calculating needed.
Reaction time (prior to braking) is regarded as being typically 1 second. You may be asked to select the approximate distance travelled for the normal speed zones prior to braking. Again, from the manual: "delete the nought from the speed then multiply by 3" 30kph(3x3)=9m, 60kph(6x3)=18m, 90kph(9x3)=27m. You get the idea. You may get asked to choose the reaction distance for a given speed. Should be able to work that out with fingers and toes. Braking distance depends on too many variables, so you never get asked to provide an exact figure, but as a rule it increases quadratically with speed. So a 4m braking distance at 30kph means a 16m braking distance at 60kph (double the speed=4 times the distance), and a 36m braking distance at 90kph (3 times the speed=9 times the distance). Don't get too hung up on it. You'd have to have extremely bad luck to get asked more than one question with regard to braking/stopping. Out of 60 questions. I never got a single one, nor anything on trailers. |
Joined: 10.Oct.2009 |
flyboy, what is it that you've been studying till the cows come home ? Out of date books or what ?It would be far cheaper to invest in the tests than to keep pa
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Does Kö offers tests in English ? I do not see any English tests there. Please update. |
Location: Luleå Joined: 4.Sep.2009 |
From what I have seen on their Q&A page, kö only offer sample theory questions in Swedish. I bought access to the on-line package at from a local driving school and that was most definitely in English. I found it mirrored the actual test pretty well, it was possibly even a bit harder than the official test.
Joined: 10.Oct.2009 |
Don't get too hung up on it. You'd have to have extremely bad luck to get asked more than one question with regard to braking/stopping. Out of 60 questions. I never go
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Hi Gplusa, I appreicate your continuous inputs with your great experience. As you said there is a possibility of one question from the areas I asked. Is there a way that specific no. of questions will come from specific areas ? Such as, how many questions would come from "Trafic Signs" or "Environmental Issue" or "Driving Situations", etc... Would be good to have a idea on classifications. It would give us ideas on classifying the questions as well. To be honest, I do not find enough information from the books. I am using a English Software which gives better insight through its questions. Which software have you used for preparing ? Thanks and Best Regards // Cyrus |
Location: Luleå Joined: 4.Sep.2009 |
No, there's no set number of questions from any particular area of the rules. Not as far as I could see. I remember when I sat my test that I could see all the computer terminals in front of me, and they all have different questions to the ones I had. I had no questions about trailers, nothing on alcohol limits, and nothing on braking/stopping distances. I got a few on signs, but they were really simple ones. So simple in fact that I spent quite a bit of time looking to see where they were trying to catch me out. But they weren't. I also got quite a few traffic situation photos where I had to say, for example, which lane I needed to be in if I wanted to go to a certain location. Which could be a bit tricky if you didn't really study the whole photo. More "thinking" type questions, rather than straight facts and figures.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, I paid a local driving school for access to the on-line theory training programme at, and I found that to be pretty good. The book (Körkortsboken) that I had didn't really answer all my questions, but between the book and the on-line programme, I was able to fill in the blanks ok. I did everything in English. |
Location: Uppsala Joined: 25.Oct.2007 |
In 2009, Amerikanska forum members compiled several sets of sample questions with correct answers taken from various körkort exam prep Websites. I combined and posted these as a large (59 MB) PDF that anyone is free to download. Studying these helped me pass the written exam on my first attempt.
Location: Stockholm Joined: 20.Mar.2009 |
Alohart - great resource and thanks for sharing. Seems to hit all of the areas in which I felt unprepared. Thanks!! I'll let you know how it goes next month.
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