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UK Scandinavia ferry

P&O involved in talks

post 24.Jan.2018, 07:01 PM
Post #1
Joined: 5.Mar.2009

Recent news is that the Scottish Government are entering talks with P&O and Norwegian investors regarding a UK Scandinavia ferry route. If any of you would find such a thing useful it may be worth visiting this link to show your support

Nobody knows as yet what a final route may look like but RHEG, who are running the petition, are also in touch with the Scottish MP who is spearheading the proposal. The petition figures will be entered into evidence, as it were, at some point.
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post 24.Jan.2018, 09:30 PM
Post #2
Joined: 5.Mar.2009

Brittany ferries have just announced a new route from Ireland to Spain which is a pretty long journey. The UK to Spain routes aren't short either which makes me wonder if there has been some using EU legislation to justify cutting routes that weren't earning as much profit as they wanted. There was a lot of competition from budget airlines when the boat routes were cut. Many of those budget air routes have gone now so maybe it would be more profitable than it was. The Scots seem to be driving this initiative to help themselves stay connected with Europe after Brexit.
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