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apply for correcting personnummer sweden

social security number

post 30.Jan.2018, 09:41 PM
Post #1

Hi Everyone,
I was wondering if anyone here has faced a similar problem!

I moved to Sweden for study in 2009 and have been studying and working since then. Recently, I changed my birth date in my home country based on a court verdict. I basically appeal to the court and they did an investigation and made the decision in favor of my application.

I applied to skatteverket to change my birthdate in my personnummer but they turned down my application. they wrote me that the court decision is based on witnesses and medical jurisprudence and these two are not valid for us. So this has caused me a lot of problems because my passport is based on my new birthdate and my permanent residence card is still with the old birthdate. So I can not travel...
I am afraid that immigration office also revokes my permanent residence card and kick me out of Sweden.
I have however appealed to the court to see if I can change their decision.

any comment is highly appreciated it.
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post 30.Jan.2018, 10:03 PM
Post #2
Joined: 24.Jun.2015

I think you just got yourself into some deep sh*t. You should have thought this through before you went ahead with the change, knowing fully well that the date has gone very far into your documents and life. Your best bet would be to revert to your old date and make a new passport using the same. Otherwise, you might soon be deported like you said.
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