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Applications for 2021/2022

Masters in Sweden

post 26.Nov.2020, 06:43 PM
Post #1
Joined: 7.Feb.2018

Hey guys,

I'm kicking this off with a question - are there any second-timers applying for Master's in Sweden again this time around?

Don't be shy - share your experience!
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post 28.Nov.2020, 10:23 AM
Post #2
Joined: 28.Nov.2020

QUOTE (AHamurari @ 26.Nov.2020, 06:43 PM) *
Hey guys,. I'm kicking this off with a question - are there any second-timers applying for Master's in Sweden again this time around?. Don't be shy - share your experience!

Hey im a first time applicant myself, would be interesting to hear from other applicants who've had some prior experience to this. I'd particularly like to learn about the selection groups, and what they mean (PG, DA, APG), I'm qualified as HPAV in one of my applications, no idea what that means blink.gif
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post 28.Nov.2020, 06:12 PM
Post #3
Joined: 7.Feb.2018


Don't quote me on this, but I think I've seen someone saying that HPAV refers to 'higher education credits', whatever that might imply smile.gif
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post 1.Jan.2021, 01:06 AM
Post #4
Joined: 1.Jan.2021

Hi, Is anyone else applying for Masters study in 2021? I've applied to Lund and Uppsala.

Looking through the forum, this thread is empty compared to past years.
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post 20.Jan.2021, 05:13 PM
Post #5
Joined: 2.Mar.2020

This year seems to be lacking the excitement of last discussions. Anyways, I got admitted to Chalmers last year, couldnt attend tho due to the pandemic.
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post 26.Jan.2021, 10:33 AM
Post #6
Location: Europe
Joined: 26.Jan.2021

QUOTE (JP10 @ 1.Jan.2021, 03:06 AM) *
Hi, Is anyone else applying for Masters study in 2021? I've applied to Lund and Uppsala.. Looking through the forum, this thread is empty compared to past years.

Exactly to the Lund and Uppsala (and some in Norway too). Cheers wink.gif

Applied almost at the start of application period, so I hope I'll see some changes soon and feed my anxiety a bit. So far all 4 applications are 'IN PROGRESS'
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post 27.Jan.2021, 07:45 AM
Post #7
Joined: 27.Jan.2021

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post 27.Jan.2021, 09:30 AM
Post #8
Location: Europe
Joined: 26.Jan.2021

May be they cache the data that your documents were checked the last time?
But yep, this is fast.

*180/999 is probably due to the fact they have not provided the maximum MR to the
admissions system (and 999.9 is maximum possible here).

My application has the following remark:
We'll begin processing admissions applications as soon as the deadline for submission of documents has passed.

They are probably waiting for 1 Feb
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post 1.Feb.2021, 08:05 PM
Post #9
Location: Europe
Joined: 26.Jan.2021

No changes in university admissions unfortunately even on 1st Feb. But at least I got admitted to one pretty low-rating uni in Norway (Oslomet). Not going to accept it (they demand answer till 8th Feb and all good unis in Norway also give the answer mid-April as in Sweden), but it is a good sign that at least my docs are ok smile.gif
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post 9.Feb.2021, 02:24 PM
Post #10
Location: Europe
Joined: 26.Jan.2021

Just learned out (from previous years topics) that unintentionally I've chosen one of the unis which update the results the latest smile.gif So I guess I'll have to meditate for a long time on this info:

Lund - Machine Learning, Systems and Control - IN PROGRESS
Uppsala - Data Science - Machine Learning and Statistics - IN PROGRESS
Uppsala - Industrial Analytics - IN PROGRESS
Uppsala - Image Analysis and Machine Learning - IN PROGRESS

Anybody here targeting LTH as well?
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post 9.Feb.2021, 02:25 PM
Post #11
Location: Europe
Joined: 26.Jan.2021

Another good news is that the number of applicants seem to be smaller than previous year. I guess COVID related...
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post 9.Feb.2021, 03:53 PM
Post #12
Joined: 9.Feb.2021

They haven't updated the statistics for this semester's intake, right?
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post 9.Feb.2021, 04:01 PM
Post #13
Location: Europe
Joined: 26.Jan.2021

QUOTE (CortisolCocktail @ 9.Feb.2021, 05:53 PM) *
They haven't updated the statistics for this semester's intake, right?

Statistics is already there, i believe. You need to select MASTERHT21.
No stats on admitted numbers obviously yet, but we can see stats on number of applicants, 1st choices, gender and age ratio and so on

*** for anybody looking for the site
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post 9.Feb.2021, 04:10 PM
Post #14
Joined: 9.Feb.2021

Why are the statistics for MASTERHT20 and HT2020 different? Shouldn't they be the same for the same Master's programs?
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post 9.Feb.2021, 04:14 PM
Post #15
Location: Europe
Joined: 26.Jan.2021

QUOTE (CortisolCocktail @ 9.Feb.2021, 06:10 PM) *
Why are the statistics for MASTERHT20 and HT2020 different? Shouldn't they be the same for the same Master's programs?

No idea, sorry. But the list of programs is different. For example I couldn't find my Lund 'maskininl?rning' one in HT2020 at all, but it exists in MASTERHT20

Can't find the descriptions of what these codes mean.
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