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loads of english books

getting rid of my collection

post 11.Nov.2013, 11:39 AM
Post #1

after about 40 years of collecting books i am ready to take the plunge and get rid of like 93% of them.
space is the key word here...running out of that
soooo...starting next saturday i will be selling MOST of them..english mostly...for 10kr..and some for a bit more but nothing terribly expensive
there wll be a few tables and boxes out...they will be in a store art gallery cafe called larrys corner on grindsgatan 35 not far from map if you cant find
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post 6.Aug.2019, 01:41 PM
Post #2

I Need some info on a book i have can you help its a Very Old Book on
/ A Treatise of Nocturnal Dreams & Visions with Interpretatios,printed in English,
between 1625 & 1650..anyone interested in it
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