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The Local _ Gothenburg _ computer desk and trusty bike for sale

Posted by: Guest 16.Aug.2015, 09:53 AM

Two items that need to go before I do (heading back to the homeland for a year). First is a computer desk - used.
Very solid, wood, although the top could be improved with a little varnish and sanding. 150 SKR. Available now.
I do not have a car so cannot transport, but can help you get it to the street from my apartment.

Second item is my trusty bicycle. Two new tires; gears and derailleurs work well. I have ridden this thing all over
Gothenburg with no problems; a solid bike. Used (obviously). 400 SKR. Would prefer to use this through Aug. 27, but
this can be negotiated. Lock not included. Basket can be removed if wanted.

Pictures available but larger than the limit here. Contact me to see.

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