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Child tax credit in SwedenInfo on what the system is here |
25.Nov.2008, 02:35 PM
Joined: 25.Jul.2007 |
Just got to know that in the US, you get child tax credit. Do they have such system in Sweden too?
25.Nov.2008, 02:44 PM
Joined: 25.Mar.2006 |
Nope, instead you get a child benefit wich is a fixed amount per child per month, same for all...
25.Nov.2008, 03:07 PM
Location: Dalarna Joined: 5.Apr.2006 |
This correct - you get a child benefit paid by försäkringskassan rather than a tax allowance.
It is 1050 per child fwith extra sums if you have 2 or more: 1 child 1050 kr/month 2 children 2,200 kr/month 3 children 3604 kr/month 4 children 5514 kr/month |
*Guest* |
17.Apr.2009, 02:07 AM
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