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English men

post 21.Nov.2005, 12:21 PM
Post #1

So what do you women think of English men? Are they hot or not? Gentlemen?
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post 21.Nov.2005, 12:25 PM
Post #2
Joined: 7.Sep.2005

I think we're pathetic slavering fools who go weak at the knees at the sight of a Swedish woman and who express our failures and frustrations by belittling them.

On the plus side, though, I think we're generally quite funny and self-deprecating.
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post 21.Nov.2005, 12:27 PM
Post #3
Joined: 28.May.2005

:shock: **** watches with interest ***
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post 21.Nov.2005, 12:28 PM
Post #4

And you are a woman?? wink.gif

Yeah some are funny! Now...are they hot? I think sometimes their teeth are bad...
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post 21.Nov.2005, 12:30 PM
Post #5
Joined: 7.Sep.2005

I have fine teeth.
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post 21.Nov.2005, 12:31 PM
Post #6
Joined: 28.May.2005

I keep mine in a box
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post 21.Nov.2005, 12:34 PM
Post #7

Sometimes I think they have very short legs...well compared to Swedish men. But then we have those who are tall like Jarvis Cocker type...very thin and cool looking nerds. There is also the hooligan type with a vest and bald head...beerbelly factor there.
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post 21.Nov.2005, 01:13 PM
Post #8

Streja: I'll tell you my one and only experience with Englishmen if you tell me why you're asking. Do you have a crush on one? Or you're just curious? :wink:
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post 21.Nov.2005, 01:31 PM
Post #9

Tallish, good looking and well dressed. Visually he stands out in a crowd with a good head of hair and white teeth,, and is well mannered, polite and curtsies and knows how to treat a a whore and a whore like a lady. He will seem to be aloof and distant and is not a "crybaby" when it comes to hardship. He will not tolerate fools and cruelty and given the right circumstances, will put you on your back in the blink of an eye. He will love his dogs more thant his wife, hates politicians and butch dykes, but will only just, tolerate gays. It will take a long time to get to know this animal and, most will not know how to deal with him as he is very indipendant and very much an individual. He will be for most women, the ideal match, that is if she can handle him correctly. which means, don't try ever, to change him, that's why he's loved so much.

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post 21.Nov.2005, 01:45 PM
Post #10

Nigel said:
that is if she can handle him correctly. which means, don't try ever, to change him, that's why he's loved so much.

laugh.gif laugh.gif Funny guy. As for above quote, that applies universally. Someone said that the eternal problem between the sexes was that the man doesn't want his woman to ever change, he would like her to always be the woman he married, while she wants to change-improve him. Isn't true? 8)

Okey, don't answer the last question and I don't want to change the topic of Streja's thread. smile.gif
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post 21.Nov.2005, 01:46 PM
Post #11

hehe Gabriela...I have an English sambo! smile.gif

Why have only men replied so far? I asked for women to answer hehehe...

Nigel...good description, but most are not tallish...wink.gif
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post 21.Nov.2005, 01:47 PM
Post #12

I'm trying to remember someone I already forgot... I'll take a cup of coffee and come back to you. laugh.gif
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post 21.Nov.2005, 02:14 PM
Post #13

Don't have much experience with Englishmen but here it's my only experience:

I loved that the Englishman I knew was:

Good cook and cooked for me often.
Not exactly handsome but sexy and confident (he was a mixture of Bono and Ralph Fienes)
Nice body
Easy going
Took me to Disney and we rode "It's a small world" twice. smile.gif
Very organized and tidy
Was very kind

It worried me that:

Looked himself in the mirror too often, way too often
Had 7 shampoos and matching conditioners for every day of the week
More varieties of colognes
Wanted to operate his nose

I left him because of his:

Peter Pan complex
He was not very good in geography :wink:

After the breakup:

He operated his nose and cut off his long hair laugh.gif

and I lived happily ever after. laugh.gif
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Rachel F
post 21.Nov.2005, 02:53 PM
Post #14
Joined: 12.Oct.2005

Well, I've just come back from a weekend in London with my children. We got on the tube which was absolutely packed like sardines with Chelsea football supporters. Two men gave up their seats immediately for us (no frotting in evidence!).

Likewise, my husband, who is English thought nothing of offering to help a lady with her heavy suitcase and finding her a trolley at the airport.

So the English gentleman is alive and well.

Englishmen also by and large wear proper shoes (as opposed to trainers - urrgghhh) which I find refreshing - if you're lucky they might also be wearing cufflinks and maybe even a chalk stripe suit which renders even the most pork pie, cornish pasty filled body, completely irresistable to any hot blooded female!

But yes, they do tend to hog the mirror and spend a ridiculous amount of money on hair products, even the ones who are as bald as a coot.
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post 21.Nov.2005, 03:07 PM
Post #15

hehe I can definitely say that Englishmen are DIFFERENT! LOL Nice to read such differing views...about the shampoo dude Gabriela hahah very funny. smile.gif

KatieA also funny.. smile.gif Yeah they do mostly help you.
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