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Sambo and DeathProperty rights |
*Guest* |
13.Nov.2019, 07:49 AM
Good day
My mom (From South Africa) and her partner were registered partners and living Sambo. My mom has swedish residency and work. While they were on Holiday in South Africa, he died. We have extended her stay here to make sure she goes back to Sweden with the body. She moved in with him 4 years ago. His family now want to kick her out the house they lived in. His family called me and said she must come collect her clothes when she is back in Sweden. On his will everything goes to his children. However can his family just kick my mom out, I am going to Sweden with her to sort this out. My mpom does not have the money to find a new place and she is still dealing with his death. What are her rights? Is there anybody we can talk to in Stockholm |
14.Nov.2019, 01:18 PM
Joined: 17.Jan.2011 |
Sorry for your mum's loss
She moved in with him 4 years ago. His family now want to kick her out the house they lived in. His family called me and said she must come collect her clothes when she is bac
... (show full quote)
Sounds like the answer is yes, if she moved into a home that was already owned by him. What are her rights?. Is there anybody we can talk to in Stockholm Many municipalities have a service with 15 minutes of free legal advice, I suggest she checks if this is available. Check for "juridisk r?dgivning" om her local municipality website. There is also lots of info online, e.g. can be useful. Here is the law: Some info in EN: |
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