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What was your Tisus-exam experience like?

a plethora of Tisus-related questions

post 1.Dec.2020, 06:02 PM
Post #1
Joined: 1.Dec.2020

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post 2.Dec.2020, 10:15 AM
Post #2
Joined: 1.Jul.2011

1. I did it in Australia. In the speaking test, I had five questions which I had to answer/comment on and needed at least 10 minutes (or similar) of me talking by myself. This was recorded by the examiner.

2. Reading. The amount to read is ridiculous. And the amount of time too short. The answers are multiple choice, but long sentences in swedish that paraphrase the content or intent of the articles. It wiped me out for the rest of the test. In contrast the writing was easier.

3. I genuinely can't remember exactly what the topic of the writing was (wiped it!). I have a feeling it was about "oro" in society. It was pretty abstract. Speaking was a choice between education or technology (I chose the wrong one...)

4. Yes, I found this website for english conversation topics:

I dipped in and out as preparation. I need to repeat the speaking test and will use this website as a basis as it was very similar in style to the questions asked. But this time I will really prepare vocab and phrases for each topic. That will keep me busy for the next 6 months!

5. Not really

6. Endless grammar exercises and learning vocab thoroughly with the Anki app. I have problems remembering genders, pluarls and spelling. I spent hours learning vocab. Also, I have a very strict swedish teacher who marks my essays with an eagle eye. I read loads of swedish books and collected vocab.

7. No. I passed the reading and writing parts and failed the speaking, which reflects where I put my energy in studying.

8. It was held in my swedish teachers flat. I had to pay an extra fee for that. It took 1 whole day. It is a very draining experience and really hard. I have to pass the speaking part in May as I can't face doing the whole thing again.

If you fail one part, like I did, you can repeat that one part 6 months later. If you fail 2 or all 3 parts, you have to do the whole thing again.

I hope that this answers your questions. Good luck :-)
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post 5.Dec.2020, 02:23 PM
Post #3
Joined: 1.Dec.2020

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