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Looking for an apartment - VASTERAS - Jan/June '15

For 3 people or less

post 7.Oct.2014, 09:10 AM
Post #1

Hi everybody!
I'm 24 and I'm an exchange student at M?lardalens h?gskola in V?ster?s.

Since I'm paying too much of rent with Bostad V?ster?s, I'm looking for a room or an apartment to rent for the Spring semester, starting from January until the beginning of June 2015.

Anyone leaving for Erasmus and living his/her apartment?
Anyone other with a place to rent?

If possible I would rent it with other two friends, one from Italy and one from Germany.

Rensponsible people! Guaranteed laugh.gif

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post 7.Oct.2014, 09:20 AM
Post #2
Joined: 4.Mar.2014

Are you checking blocket?
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post 10.Oct.2014, 01:33 PM
Post #3

Yes, sometimes!

Do you think I should put an announcement on my own in there?
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