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English speakers in Linköping

Or perhaps in all Östergötland

Rick Methven
post 7.Sep.2010, 06:11 AM
Post #16
Location: Linköping
Joined: 30.Nov.2005

QUOTE (goffy86 @ 6.Sep.2010, 08:57 PM) *
tjena!! after saying hello i struggle to speak swedish haha so i learned how to say jag kan prata lite svenska men inte sa bra, forstord du engleska?? haha as u might ... (show full quote)

I was just about to say hello and welcome to another scouser, UNTIL I saw that you support Man U. There are only 2 teams for a Liverpudlian and I'm not fond of Blue at the best of times cool.gif
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post 7.Sep.2010, 06:51 PM
Post #17
Joined: 6.Sep.2010

QUOTE (Rick Methven @ 7.Sep.2010, 06:11 AM) *
I was just about to say hello and welcome to another scouser, UNTIL I saw that you support Man U. There are only 2 teams for a Liverpudlian and I'm not fond of Blue at the best of times cool.gif

haha well i cant change the way my heart feels,, i moved over to manchester when i was abt 4, and i was right around the corner from the theatre of dreams and it was then when i took an interest in footy, then a year later i moved back to liverpool and it didnt feel right to change to lpool... so thats how i became to support utd smile.gif
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Rick Methven
post 8.Sep.2010, 05:11 AM
Post #18
Location: Linköping
Joined: 30.Nov.2005

QUOTE (goffy86 @ 7.Sep.2010, 07:51 PM) *
haha well i cant change the way my heart feels,, i moved over to manchester when i was abt 4, and i was right around the corner from the theatre of dreams and it was then when ... (show full quote)

Well now your are in Linköping there is only one team to support
Attached Image

First home match of the season 21 September against Timrå
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post 8.Sep.2010, 09:22 AM
Post #19
Location: Norrköping
Joined: 6.Mar.2010

Fluent English speaker here. Moving to Norrkoping in two weeks and more than happy to meet up for a chat.

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post 8.Sep.2010, 02:17 PM
Post #20
Joined: 16.Feb.2008

welcome to Linköping! i'll have a beer. pitchers, o'learys, Mourners, Bishops, Hamlet... makes no difference to me!
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post 9.Sep.2010, 02:16 PM
Post #21
Joined: 12.Sep.2008

A Norrköping person here, originally from the delightful Oxford. Been here for 2 years. Feel free to drop me a PM or something. smile.gif
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post 9.Sep.2010, 10:01 PM
Post #22
Location: Linköping
Joined: 27.Jun.2007

QUOTE (Rick Methven @ 8.Sep.2010, 06:11 AM) *
Well now your are in Linköping there is only one team to support. Attached Image. First home match of the season 21 September against Timrå

Hockey meet-up? I'd be keen. It should be a good match too. Or at Bishops afterwards?
Bells on. PM if interested for either. But I'm not buying your tickets. tongue.gif
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post 9.Sep.2010, 10:05 PM
Post #23
Location: Jönköping county
Joined: 29.Aug.2004

Haha...See 'whats there to do?' thread...

*rest my case*
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post 14.Sep.2010, 03:53 PM
Post #24

My name's Dan, I'm 23 years old and I'm from Evesham, England. I've just moved to Linkoping with my Swedish girlfriend. At the moment I am waiting to start Swedish lessons so I have a lot of time on my hands. I'm an easy going person who likes to have a good time and meet new people. I don't really know anyone here, so It would be nice to meet English speaking people as I don't speak Swedish yet.

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post 30.Sep.2010, 10:53 AM
Post #25
Joined: 28.Jul.2008

Looks like this thread still has signs of life... Dare I ask if there is enough interest to start a Linköping/Östergötland expat meetup group?

I'm an American guy that'll be studying at LiU for the next 5 years... So, yeah, it would be nice to get to know some of the expats that are hanging around Linkööööping.
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Rick Methven
post 30.Sep.2010, 11:02 AM
Post #26
Location: Linköping
Joined: 30.Nov.2005

QUOTE (qiaozhehui @ 30.Sep.2010, 11:53 AM) *
Looks like this thread still has signs of life... Dare I ask if there is enough interest to start a Linköping/Östergötland expat meetup group?I'm an American guy that&# ... (show full quote)

I'm up for it
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post 1.Oct.2010, 08:43 PM
Post #27

Could this be a possible date for an English meet up?

Mr. Paul Foot entertains Linköping
Wednesday 20th October
Café M (Platensgatan 5)
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Rick Methven
post 1.Oct.2010, 08:57 PM
Post #28
Location: Linköping
Joined: 30.Nov.2005

QUOTE (TheTurnip @ 1.Oct.2010, 09:43 PM) *
Could this be a possible date for an English meet up? Paul Foot entertains LinköpingWednesday 20th OctoberCafé ... (show full quote)

Having looked at his facebook page,...


a beer or more in any other bar is preferable
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post 5.Oct.2010, 09:12 AM
Post #29
Joined: 9.Aug.2010

I'm an Aussie just outside on Linköping and I'm looking for fluent bantar if you know what I mean smile.gif As good as the Swedes are I miss the flow smile.gif
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post 6.Oct.2010, 03:32 PM
Post #30
Location: Linköping
Joined: 27.Jun.2007

I'm with Rick on that one. No Go for Paul Foot.
But keen for a dinner and a drink or 2.
Dates places etc... The 20th works for me though.
PM me if interested and maybe we can start a new topic line.
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