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From London to Vasteras - HELP!English speakers - Vasteras |
*Guest* |
Good morning all
After spending my life in Essex, England, I will be moving to Vasteras in December and was hoping to get a verdict from a fellow brit of what i can expect. I would be keen to meet some english speakers to help me intergrate into the community and would also be keen to find out about joing a footy team, poker team, pool team...anything really! I am moving with my Swedish partner of 5 years and we have a 1 year old lad. I expect day to day living to be more expensive so will have to cut down on the pub nights out! My swedish is basic to say the least but am booked into a intensive class in london to hopefully improve but are tere any classes in Vasteras? Lastly, do many people commute form Vasteras to Stockholm tow ork? I currently travel and hour a day each way in london which is normal nut want to ensure that is not frowned upon in Sweden. Any tips or views welcome. Many thanks Tony |
Joined: 13.Sep.2013 |
check out the regional boards to see who will be living in the same area as you. Make sure you tie up any loose ends in London before you get here. Tell every relevant authority about it, because if you end up out of work suddenly you'll be depending on UK services for a while and you have to have registered your migration before you leave. Also sort out your EHIC card which you'll have to use before you get your person number because without that you can't get free healthcare. It's only meant to be used for visits to other countries but you can consider your migration a visit until you receive your two year registration card.
Joined: 27.Jul.2012 |
<- Swede living in Västerås..
First off welcome, Let me start by saying Västerås is a shithole its basically the Swansea of Sweden, but you are in one way lucky since there's a lot of multinational companies here, well at least there's ABB, Westinghouse and bombardier so if you have the right skills you might be able to land a job even thought your Swedish isn't perfect. You can commute to Sthlm, i think its around 1 hour with the train.. i know a few that does and they don't seem to bothered by it. There's plenty of foreign students here, thanks to MDH university so i am sure you'll have no problem finding English speaking people. Also you will most likely enroll to SFI and SAS once you are here to learn Swedish, a lot of foreigners there as well. tip: every place that ends with "-by such as bäckby", here is pretty much a bad area and u want to stick to the east side of the lake, you'll understand soon enough. |
*Guest* |
Thanks for your replies, some interesting points.
Not so pleased to see that Vasteras has been described as the Swansea of Sweden, that doe not fill me with optimism! I will however bear in mind what you have said re east of lake when agreeing on a place to live. Hopefully some people like Vasteras, i will be sure to get some more opinions... |
Joined: 5.Jul.2012 |
Hello there, Tony. Don't be put off by this 'ivor lot to say' person. A troll of the highest/lowest order.
As to references to Västerås, take it as YOU find it. We all have different views on what we like and don't like. One man's meat - - -. Good luck on your venture. having made a start on your Swedish, that will be a good help. I came in '60 knowing only 'Skål'. As your lad is so young, he will pick up Swedish and be an expert before you know it. Welcome to all three of you, and 'welcome back' to your partner. |
Joined: 20.Sep.2011 |
Joined: 7.Jul.2011 |
Obviously its better to listen the voice of a bitter old man who has never lived in Västerås, than that of a person who has.Again, Västerås is nowhere I would ever choose
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Do you even understand the question of the OP. He decided to move and is asking fellow englishmen about integrating into the community. He did not ask for your opinion , if he should move to sweden or not? Please do not poke at everything and do not spam the forum. take it easy. To the OP: I know a spanish friend who commutes from Vasteras to stockholm daily by car. It takes around 1 hour. He has a beautiful house,swedish wife and son and he is very happy there:). Welcome to sweden! |
Joined: 16.Aug.2010 |
This is very sound advice, I knew a woman who ended up in exactly this position and basically couldn't leave Sweden without leaving her child here. Not wanting to be negative but you should have a plan in case things go south.
Joined: 21.Apr.2013 |
I'm from Banbury (not sure if you know it) and spend around 40% of my time in Vasteras with my partner who has lived there for approx 9 years (moved from eskilstuna for work reasons). I love, love, love Vasteras, not sure what the problem some of these posters see with it :/ How much experience with the town/country do you have? I'll ask the bloke about pool teams etc and get back to you. ![]() eta: places like backby aren't anywhere near as bad as shoddy estates in the uk, and you'll find that housing/childcare/bills aren't as high as UK so although food/drink etc is higher it tends to even itself out. Just don't faint at £14 for a cocktail, I nearly did ![]() |
Joined: 20.Sep.2011 |
Just like some people when they get married have prenups, why shouldn't a move be thought out and agreed properly before committing? you are a winner aren't you? I can picture it... "yes, I love you dearly, I can't wait to move to Sweden, but don't book the flights until you've signed this legal contract that my legal team drafted"... who said romance was dead!!? |
Joined: 12.Jan.2007 |
Is it really surprising that Ivor Lot To Say would suggest something like that?
I'm not as anti-Ivor as I was a week ago, though... In fact, even if he's not byke, he's the new byke, if that makes any sense. The Local needs a byke figure. Otherwise it would be purely a Migrationsverket help site, boring. To be sure, I'd rather have Streja, Puffin, Mark Base, VHW, benzed, gplusa and the rest back, but I'll take a byke figure to break up the boredom. |
Joined: 20.Sep.2011 |
Joined: 5.Jul.2012 |
For your information, the expression is verbal contract.
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Joined: 20.Sep.2011 |
Exactly, and while some countries recognise a oral contract, others don't.. So manke sure any agreement is in writing. you can orally contract things though, it appears you may have contracted verbal diarrhea. I hope you are not in the USA, as it's clearly a pre-existing condition and your insurance would be unlikely to cover treatment. Here is Sweden you'll be OK. back on the theme, are you really proposing that instead of couples just talking and planning out some options in life, they should have written contracts covering? If a person told me they would like everything they discussed about future plans in writing, that would guarantee they would not be part of my future at all. |
Joined: 27.Jul.2012 |
how about we go back on topic which would be Västerås, activities etc.
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