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Visa/Permit/Citizenship Support GroupA quarantine for those of us losing our minds |
Location: Stockholm Joined: 1.Jan.2014 |
There are perfectly acceptable reasons in which one might need to contact MV. Never said there wasn't, just highlighting the fact that the more people call the more they divert attention of case officers to handling calls rather than handling cases.Do US a favor and don't presume the reasons for why someone might need to contact them. I make no presumption whatsoever with regards reasons for calling. Just pointing out that MV case officers are threatened and harassed daily. If you worked in that environment would you like to take calls or work on cases?, also taking into account that your job-performance is measured on a points system that includes different scores depending upon what you do, where not everything has assigned points.
Location: Västra Götaland Joined: 8.Mar.2010 |
I make no presumption whatsoever with regards reasons for calling. Just pointing out that MV case officers are threatened and harassed daily. Whilst correlation may not imply causation, please do not assume that folks here are calling to harass or threaten MV each time they try to call. After all, people are humans, not drones. Sometimes queuing up is not enough when authorities say one thing but then produce another. People are trying to figure out their lives, and sometimes they need information straight from the horse's mouth -- and not to have an outsider admonish them for it. <3 |
Location: Stockholm Joined: 1.Jan.2014 |
Whilst correlation may not imply causation, please do not assume that folks here are calling to harass or threaten MV each time they try to call. I made no such assumption. Just pointed out that MV case officers are threatened every day. As for harassment, that is a matter of opinion, whilst the caller might not believe it is, the receiver of the call might have a different opinion ![]() ![]() |
Joined: 20.Sep.2015 |
Hello to everyone! On this day, exactly one year ago, my sambo and I have applied for sambo permit
![]() We are still waiting, no interview, no nothing from MV, only rude people when we call them. |
Location: Västra Götaland Joined: 8.Mar.2010 |
Hello to everyone! On this day, exactly one year ago, my sambo and I have applied for sambo permit ![]() "Congrats" on making it a year!! No interview? Are you currently living in Sweden on a different type of permit while you wait? |
Joined: 20.Sep.2015 |
Location: Västra Götaland Joined: 8.Mar.2010 |
Yes. It seems that anyone currently in Sweden trying to change their permit is treated as the lowest priority possible.
Which is so sad, because considering as they've already qualified for some sort of permit in the past, it would seem they would be the easiest of the whole lot to decide upon. :/ |
Joined: 20.Sep.2015 |
Yes. It seems that anyone currently in Sweden trying to change their permit is treated as the lowest priority possible.Which is so sad, because considering as they've alr
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What could be a problem for me is that I have a full time job that requires from me to travel to other countries. My manager is not very happy because of the fact that I cannot travel while I am waiting for a decision and I could lose my job. If that thing happens I would be taking money from Swedish social fund which is when you think about it really stupid because Swedish Migration Agency would be the main cause of that ![]() |
Location: Västra Götaland Joined: 8.Mar.2010 |
What could be a problem for me is that I have a full time job that requires from me to travel to other countries. My manager is not very happy because of the fact that I canno
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Have you considered having your employer write to MV? @good_luck_1 did the same exact thing - s/he was waiting on a sambo permit but was working full time in Sweden and needed to travel... so their employer wrote to MV. They got an interview, and then a decision within 1 month. It's a thought? (With the caveat in mind that good_luck said they got "a priority", and we know that's no longer an option. But still...) |
Location: Västra Götaland Joined: 8.Mar.2010 |
Here are @good_luck_1's posts on the matter:
Applied on 1st of August 2014 --> interview 15th of October 2015---> Decision 3rd of November 2015. Permanent residence based on marriage to a swede from 2013. I was w
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Heh, I actually got a priority, my boss wrote a letter and after a couple of days I was called to an interview... It is not a work residence permit, but I needed to travel and
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Joined: 20.Sep.2015 |
Have you considered having your employer write to MV? @good_luck_1 did the same exact thing - s/he was waiting on a sambo permit but was working full time in Sweden and needed
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Yeah but I don't want to bug my employer with this thing, it really makes me feel bad when I talk about these immigrant problems to my colleagues that don't even understand how it is to come from 3rd world country |
Joined: 19.Nov.2015 |
OMG! I am totally freaking out.
I should have applied years ago when we first discussed moving to Sweden. I only applied for 'Moving to someone in Sweden' Permit in August 2015 and my husband starts his job in July 2016! We have 2 kids and I never imagined it would take so long to get a permit. I applied in 2001 and it took 2 months (I never moved to Sweden then so it has long expired). I don't know what we are going to do now?? I wouldn't be working, but I thought I would be able to go to SFI classes while the kids were in school (my husband and children are Swedish citizens). Should I apply for as a student and go to University, but I guess that's not allowed while I am waiting for a Permit. I'm Australian and don't need a Visa to enter Sweden, but can I just stay in the country until my interview and then go back to Australia for it? But I can't stay in Australia waiting for the Permit and being away from my kids. Oh man what a nightmare!! It said this was a safe place to let it all out - This is my first post and I just joined the Forum... FREAKING OUT! |
Location: Västra Götaland Joined: 8.Mar.2010 |
OMG! I am totally freaking out. I should have applied years ago when we first discussed moving to Sweden. I only applied for 'Moving to someone in Sweden' Permit
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Hi Aly! First of all: Breathe ![]() Here are your options: While your sambo visa permit is processing, proceed with applying for uni programs and see if you can get accepted - mind you, you need to be able to select a course taught in the language you are fluent in, and it has to be full-time. Or, try to find a job out there. If you are successful at either, cancel your sambo permit, and proceed with applying for the student / work visa. Once you are in Sweden, you can flip your permit to a sambo permit and you do not need to leave the country while your paperwork is processing. The big con to this is that you will be the absolute lowest priority of all people applying for a family reunification permit. For instance, those who applied while outside Sweden are averaging 14 months before they get their decision. For those who applied IN sweden, folks who applied over 14 months ago have not even had their interview yet. Take this into consideration for the long term, because it can mess life up kinda. As an Australian, you must abide by the 90/180 rule as a tourist in the Schengen region. Meaning, you can only visit the Schengen countries (Sweden as one of them) for an accumulated 90 days out of each 180 day period. At this point, no one has received an email to do their interview since mid-February - which is 9+ months of waiting so far, at this point - which means you will blow your legal stay very rapidly before you get your interview. You can always file for an extended tourist visa, but even that has limits. So - again - something to bear in mind once you must return home. Another option is to apply for a study or work permit in a neighboring country. That way you have the benefit of being a short visit away (your family can come to you to limit the days you use on your 90/180 visa), and also since you are still applying from outside of Sweden, you get the standard processing time. Those are, as of right now, the only options that I personally can think of. Other than your husband delaying the job or forfeiting it until you get your paperwork... or him going ahead and you keep the kids in school in Australia for another year? Otherwise, we are all kind of stuck in this mess. The single most important thing to bear in mind is that you WILL make it through this!! Especially as a mother; mothers are the most resilient humans on this earth. You will find a way to make it work! <3 |
Location: Västra Götaland Joined: 8.Mar.2010 |
Oh - one more thing that I just realized. If your husband doesn't leave until July 2016 and you applied for your permit in August 2015, that means you will likely have received your interview email by the time he leaves - and you will have likely already done your interview. So then you will need to mind the Swedish Alien's Act while you visit Sweden after the interview, as you cannot technically be in the country "during the decision time" (advised by them as anytime after the interview, although that's not a rule; more a rule of thumb). You of course can visit in that time, but you will want to notify MV so as not to risk violating the law. They say that MV "might" place a hold on processing your application while you visit, but we really haven't seen that play out in the wait time stats as of right now, so you're probably safe to do short visits back and forth after the interview
![]() Just FYI ![]() |
Joined: 19.Nov.2015 |
To the Australian with Swedish citizen children. I am in exactly the same situation.
We contacted three immigration lawyers in Sweden, get your husband to do the same. We've also written a letter to the immigration minister explaining our situation. No reply as of yet (Sent Monday). mjennin2 Please also note the Aliens Act mentions what is in the Swedish childrens best interests. It is not in the best interests of children to be separated from either of their parents. Not to mention the costs of running two households for a completely indeterminate amount of time. The current situation is unprecedented and I think the Aliens Act requiring no entry until permit is granted - now that there is no priority and the waiting times are constantly increasing - needs to be tested in the courts. If you can work I'd advise looking for a job ASAP in Sweden. Even then the waiting time is unknown, and you can't enter until permit granted. |
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