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Visa/Permit/Citizenship Support Group

A quarantine for those of us losing our minds

post 28.Jul.2015, 10:40 PM
Post #16
Joined: 5.Mar.2015

To answer mjennin:
1 I applied online
2. I heard this directly from the detroit office, as they did not have an opening for an entire month after the dc office and said it took time to get the paperwork if I chose that
3. They don't exactly allow you explicitly but they say if you follow the rules on a tourist visa then you can be there, you just aren't allowed to be in the country when they make the decision. I've met with migrationsverket in person in sweden and had no problem since I follow the 90 out of 180 schengen rule.

I'm now in serbia, just twiddling my thumbs and reading a lot. Hopefully min fru can come visit once whie I'm here, otherwise I will be apart from her until mid or end of september
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post 2.Aug.2015, 02:13 PM
Post #17
Joined: 10.Jun.2015

QUOTE (nineallday00 @ 28.Jul.2015, 11:40 PM) *
To answer mjennin:1 I applied online2. I heard this directly from the detroit office, as they did not have an opening for an entire month after the dc office and said it took ... (show full quote)

Is mid/end of september when u get a tourist visa for Sweden again or is it when u expect to get an answer?
We applied 3rd of september so i Hope to get the answer in september...
How is serbia? Do u know if it's easy to get a visa for non-EU citizens?
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post 5.Aug.2015, 03:52 PM
Post #18
Joined: 24.Apr.2015

Only 4 months since application here so I don't really think I have the right to complain especially when compared to others who have been waiting 10+ months! Naturally, still no news of an interview date yet but this is hardly surprising considering that almost everyone takes the whole of summer off for vacations.

What I find moderately frustrating is just the lack of consensus even amongst MV staff themselves. Everything is based on ifs and depending ons, but no one can agree on what documentations are needed, or even on the duration of the visa granted. Perhaps it is because I come from a terribly efficient society where such processes are pretty straightforward and black and white, but I feel that things are terribly ambiguous at MV! I don't think people would be nearly as frustrated if MV were more transparent with the processing of applications. Everyone seems to have such varied experiences that there is almost no point in discussing them.

To make matters more complicated, my sambo and I had our own apartments for most parts of our relationship and despite being together for longer than the 2-year mark, do not qualify as sambos as such so we have applied under the broader category of intention of becoming sambo. Realistically we have assumed that it will take 14 months and have planned our future accordingly. Anything sooner will be a blessing.
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post 6.Aug.2015, 06:04 PM
Post #19
Joined: 27.Mar.2014

Absolute depression:

My family (I'm the eu person, and my husband and child are non eu) has just been rejected for Personal Numbers!

How stressful! And you know what? It's this fucking thing about needing the comprehensive health insurance, which we can't get!

So now what?
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post 7.Aug.2015, 01:54 PM
Post #20
Joined: 24.Apr.2015

QUOTE (Brigitteisveryspecial @ 6.Aug.2015, 06:04 PM) *
Absolute depression:My family (I'm the eu person, and my husband and child are non eu) has just been rejected for Personal Numbers!How stressful! And you know what ... (show full quote)

Is it not possible/acceptable to get health insurance at your home country/the country of origin of your husband and child? I assume that you are not swedish, but perhaps it is easier to get EU citizenship for them for your home country than through sweden. Perhaps you can contact your embassy for help as they may have handled similar cases before
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post 7.Aug.2015, 04:24 PM
Post #21
Joined: 27.Dec.2014

Hello I just have a question regarding application. I have already applied my resident visa online but as all we know it will take a long time before we can hear something from MV. Due to that I plan to work to another country while i am waiting for my visa. Do you think its okay to do that? Will it not affect my application? Anyway i can make sure that i can go back to my home country then by the time they scheduule me for an interview. Hope to hear from you guys.
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post 12.Aug.2015, 02:02 PM
Post #22
Joined: 5.Mar.2015

Well now my wife and I have purchased a home together with some land. And the wait continues. Might try calling with this new information, not holding my breath.
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post 13.Aug.2015, 05:02 PM
Post #23
Joined: 13.Aug.2015

I applied online early july 2014 ,got email for interview in december,did my interview in February upto now decision pending.this has been the most frustrating wait ever in my life am finishining my 14 months on 10 September i dont have any more strength to wait longer than that,my life is in a limbo right now .the real stress started after interview i thought i could get my decision in a matter of days but here i am still waiting .God help me otherwise i will go insane.
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post 15.Aug.2015, 06:31 PM
Post #24
Joined: 5.Mar.2015

QUOTE (getame @ 13.Aug.2015, 04:02 PM) *
I applied online early july 2014 ,got email for interview in december,did my interview in February upto now decision pending.this has been the most frustrating wait ever in my ... (show full quote)

You can do this my friend. I am here right there with you waiting every day. We have made it this far, and we have no choice but to keep on waiting. We can make it through this, we just have to make it through each moment of each day. Lately I have taken to reading very heavy subjects that I've always wanted to read but never found the time or energy to do before. It helps to make have something like this to make me feel worthwhile. It goes without saying that you need to avoid thinking directly about the date September 10th, as you know that today will be all that much harder if you are so focused on making it there. And if you have to wait longer, you can and will wait longer, just as I and everyone else in this process with you is prepared to do. The system is setting us up to fail but I will not let this fucked up system crush me, and will just make it through this day, this hour, this minute, this second, smiling, hoping, crying when I need to, comforting myself when I need it, and holding my head up.
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post 16.Aug.2015, 11:56 AM
Post #25

I really want to be with my swedish boyfriend. He wants me to go to sweden but the problem is im separated with my filipino husband but still legally married. I havent had my marriage annulled yet, since i need the financial support for our 12yr old daughter and its expensive. I want to know what type of visa i can apply for in sweden since my swedish boyfriend wants me to spend time with him and see if i can manage to live the life in sweden. We are inlove but we are not in a hurry of getting married so i dont really have tompressure myself getting an annulment. He told me (my bf) that i can still apply for a visa, all he needs to do is supply the docs like the capacity to finance me while im in sweden, and his bank statement, and his assets, etc. im not sure if its all that is needed. Because what i have im mind, is that i cant apply as his fiancee since im married. Therefore, i need to know what other option do i have if our first option is out of the choices...another thing i am working in japan right now, and my bf told me that i have to go home to the philippines to apply for the visa. If i do this i will lose my job. So anyone out there can help me? What to do?
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post 16.Aug.2015, 02:48 PM
Post #26
Joined: 29.Jul.2015


As far as I know, You can apply for a visiting/tourist visa to come to Sweden and visit your bf. because you are still married and you do not have a right to apply for a visa based on your relationship (partnership/marriage) with your Swedish bf because before you apply for this kind of visa you have to prove that you are single.
For any type of visas other than visa due to family ties in Sweden, you need to apply from your country of residence (in your case Japan).
But for a visa based on relationship you need to be back in your home-country if your home country has a Swedish embassy.

I guess you can find more updated/correct information on migrationsverket website.

for the visiting/tourist visa you can check this link :

Good luck,
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post 18.Aug.2015, 10:48 AM
Post #27
Joined: 27.Dec.2014


If you have a valid resident visa in Japan then you can apply your resident visa for sweden there in Japan. With regards to what type of visa since you are still not separated with your ex husband its not wise to apply for any visa based on fiance or relationship visa. You really need to fix your previous marriage first if you really want to be with your Swedish BF. Otherwise, you can apply for a tourist visa. But I suggest, apply for a tourist visa first to strengthen your relationship.
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post 26.Aug.2015, 03:06 PM
Post #28
Joined: 13.Aug.2015

just an update on my case this is my 14th month ,i received an email on Friday for additional information a guess about to make a decision.
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post 28.Aug.2015, 01:58 PM
Post #29
Joined: 28.Aug.2015

Sambo visa information for those still waiting-

Applied - September 10 2014
Interview - March 3 2015
Decision - August 28 2015

I'm so happy right now, I might die. I've been away from my love much longer than I had hoped when this all began. At least now it is over.
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post 28.Aug.2015, 07:52 PM
Post #30
Location: Stockholm
Joined: 1.Jan.2014

QUOTE (curiousity @ 16.Aug.2015, 02:48 PM) *
because before you apply for this kind of visa you have to prove that you are single.

You can still be married and apply (and indeed be approved) for a permit whilst still married. If you are married then you need to show that you have started divorce proceedings, if you can provide documentation for that then it is ok. The reason for this is that in many countries a divorce can take quite sometime to process, yes even longer than waiting for Migrationsverket to approve a permit wink.gif
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