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Visa/Permit/Citizenship Support Group

A quarantine for those of us losing our minds

post 4.Dec.2015, 05:26 AM
Post #181
Location: Västra Götaland
Joined: 8.Mar.2010

QUOTE (Cooneybren @ 3.Dec.2015, 09:27 PM) *
I hope some of you still on this crazy ride may find this information helpful and that you all get to experience the same level of elation that I'm currently experiencing, real soon. cool.gif

First of all, CONGRATS Cooneybren!!

Secondly, to you and everyone else who follows these threads - YES it is extremely helpful to share this information! Not only just so we can keep our case spreadsheet updated for people to see where in the process MV currently is, but sharing this news offers a great amount of hope for all of us, and the people with whom we share this news. No doubt there are a lot of people who applied in October/November 2014 right now who are running around with an extra skip in their step! <3

The best holiday gift anyone could hope for smile.gif smile.gif
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post 4.Dec.2015, 07:00 AM
Post #182
Joined: 14.Sep.2015


Grattis!! Thanks for the updates, it really feels good knowing someone had their decision. I`m freakingly nervous and excited soon on my 13th month.. Hoping to hear a positive reply from MV before the holidays.

Good luck to all of us..
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post 10.Dec.2015, 04:19 AM
Post #183
Joined: 29.Oct.2014

So boyfriend finally got a decision on his visa, but we don't know what the decision is! Could it possibly be anymore annoying hahahaha!! We have to contact the embassy in Canberra to find out, which of course isn't open today.I know waiting another day is nothing as we've waited 13 months already but the suspense is killing me. This means they're looking at early November 2014 applications, and I even had to provide more information last week.

Finger crossed it's good news tomorrow!
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post 10.Dec.2015, 01:25 PM
Post #184
Joined: 6.Oct.2015

Congratulations leids! biggrin.gif So happy for you guys, I am sure its a positive decision ^^ Wish you both all the best! Btw, when in November did you guys apply? I applied on the 23rd smile.gif
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post 10.Dec.2015, 11:42 PM
Post #185
Joined: 29.Oct.2014

Applied: 5 November 2014
Interview: May 2014
Asked to provide more information: 22 November 2015
Visa approved: 9 December 2015

FINALLY!!!! Permanent visa approved, perfect timing as we're going to Sweden for Christmas next week so he can get his UT card sorted then.

So it seems the 13 month timeframe is pretty accurate, maybe even shorter as I was asked to provide more information.

Best Friday ever smile.gif
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post 11.Dec.2015, 11:54 AM
Post #186
Location: Scandanavia
Joined: 15.May.2010

Hearty congrats Leids !!! Brilliant xmas prezzie. very happy for you and may all go smoothly now as you insert yourselves into Swedish society. Lycka till !!! smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif
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post 22.Dec.2015, 11:00 AM
Post #187
Location: Västra Götaland
Joined: 8.Mar.2010

Roll call!!

Several of you fine people applied about 13-15 months ago and I''m wondering if y'all are still checking in on TL, can I ask if any of you have received a decision or any new info??


and also:


Jag hoppas ni alla har f?tt ett beslut!! smile.gif
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post 22.Dec.2015, 03:33 PM
Post #188
Location: Africa
Joined: 11.Sep.2014

@mjennin , nothing has been heard so far ,,, my husband call , they told him they are still on it ... He my husband ask them if there is something is not clear with them MV , they should call him for interview .. But they said they will contact us soon ,,,, he told them hole the thing is causing him not to concentrate at work .. He is not doing well at all , they render my husband helpless , when u can't do anything to fight for your right .. He even wrote am SOS about 2 weeks ago .. Or maybe Swedish are discriminating ,,,, cause I and my husband are from Africa ,, they pay no attention to my agony of love ... Cause they are the barrier for us to be together as a loving family home ...
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post 22.Dec.2015, 03:44 PM
Post #189
Location: Africa
Joined: 11.Sep.2014

My time line again ..
Application ...september 8 2014
interview March 25 2014
Additional document ask on 11 of June . And was submitted immediately ...
Several email has been sent to them , but have no impact ... Like we have a lazy person as a case officer ,,, IN GOD I PUT MY TRUST ...
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post 22.Dec.2015, 06:12 PM
Post #190
Location: Västra Götaland
Joined: 8.Mar.2010

Stay strong, doro <3 You are surely not alone, and it can be maddening to see people apply months after you, get a decision before you do. I understand this, and I feel your pain. There are many cases where there were couples just like you that waited 15-16 months for absolutely no reason; no special information was requested, no second interview required, etc. There is zero transparency at MV so it's impossible to tell what their procedures are, but recently someone shared a mail they got from MV after they hand-wrote to Morgan Johansson. This was what the spokesperson for Johansson wrote back to him. MV now seems to consistently blame poor testing of their digital system (prior to implementing it in April) as being the main cause (or at least the only one they want to talk about) for the delays and underwhelming efficiency results this year:

[quote]"Hej [xxxxxxx]!

Tack f
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post 22.Dec.2015, 06:42 PM
Post #191
Joined: 21.Oct.2015

Hi mjennin.. Its been 12 months and 2 weeks since i applied for residence permit and 2 months 2 weeks since my interview. As i mentioned before, my interviewer said it wouldnt take more than six months after the interview so still counting.. i keep checking migrationsverkets's website at least three times a day ^^ And also, first thing i will do when i get my decision will be posting it here on TL because i feel like i owe it to u and everyone here on this forum.. If that day ever comes...

Good luck to u all..
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Case officer
post 22.Dec.2015, 06:48 PM
Post #192
Joined: 25.Jul.2012

QUOTE (cyrel @ 22.Dec.2015, 06:42 PM) *
i keep checking migrationsverkets's website at least three times a day ^^

The status check is updated once every morning so that is not necessary.
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post 22.Dec.2015, 06:54 PM
Post #193
Joined: 20.Sep.2015

QUOTE (mjennin2 @ 22.Dec.2015, 11:00 AM) *
Roll call!!Several of you fine people applied about 13-15 months ago and I''m wondering if y'all are still checking in on TL, can I ask if any of you have ... (show full quote)

Haven't received decission yet...and now it's x-mas and NY period in Sweden, MV won't process any applications now...More luck next year smile.gif it's crazy when I think about it that my application is going to be stretched over the time period of 3 years laugh.gif
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post 22.Dec.2015, 09:30 PM
Post #194
Location: Africa
Joined: 11.Sep.2014

How will you people fell if you don't hear from me anymore ,,.. So may things keep on coming to my mind ... Like ending it all , by doing something like ending my life ... But if I thought of my innocent son of 6 years oLd and my loving and lovable world best husband of my childhood friend before we officially got married in 2013 I always have a second thought ,,, MV have no human feelings is only when there is war in ones county they reckon with , they forgot there is nothing. Painful like been seprated from your love ones ...
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post 24.Dec.2015, 12:20 AM
Post #195
Joined: 25.Jun.2015

QUOTE (mjennin2 @ 22.Dec.2015, 06:12 PM) *
...I feel 99% confident in saying it doesn't seem MV discriminates based off of country of origin of the applicant, ...

Sorry, but I have to desagree with you on this one unsure.gif

I think your country of origin plays a HUGE ROLE huh.gif

I said it before and I say it again wink.gif
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