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Visa/Permit/Citizenship Support GroupA quarantine for those of us losing our minds |
Joined: 20.Feb.2013 |
I've checked out the MV's website and they don't mention anything about the biometrics expiring after 6 months, just that you have to leave them at the embassy at the time of the interview. The safest thing to do is just e-mail them with the question and then you have it on paper whatever their answer is.
When it comes to calling MV, I've never personally seen a point in it if it's just to check on your application. The people answering the calls are not allowed to give out too much anyway and mostly just say that you have to wait, which we were perfectly aware of already when I applied for my sambo visa. I can't help but feel sorry for all the applicants today when I remeber thinking how 4 months waiting is too much. I really wish you all good luck and that your applications get processed as soon as possible! |
Joined: 20.Sep.2015 |
Hello everyone! Currentley living and working in Sweden, applied for sambo before my work visa expired. My sambo and I are waiting for decision since 10th Oct 2014. Any guesses how much longer we have to wait?
Location: Västra Götaland Joined: 8.Mar.2010 |
Hello everyone! Currentley living and working in Sweden, applied for sambo before my work visa expired. My sambo and I are waiting for decision since 10th Oct 2014. Any gu
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I would *like* to say your decision would come within the next 1-3 months, but I really think it's anyone's best guess. From what I've read of others recently in your same position (and this may just be conjecture), your situation is likely even lower priority than others', as you are currently in Sweden and do not need to leave while you wait. Essentially, you are already reunited with your loved one in Sweden, so you can stand to wait longer. Again - that is basically just hearsay from what I have read. I can't support it. Have you called MV for an update on your case? |
Location: Västra Götaland Joined: 8.Mar.2010 |
We haven't bothered to ask where our case has been sent just yet, but now I'm a little curious. How did you all figure it out - do you have to ask MV personally? I'm assuming so, as I can't seem to find any indication when I log onto our profile on their website. Would rather avoid calling them if I can...
Joined: 18.Jan.2015 |
Hello everyone! Currentley living and working in Sweden, applied for sambo before my work visa expired. My sambo and I are waiting for decision since 10th Oct 2014. Any gu
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Well who knows? Even MV has no idea. I have similar situation, applied on 1st of August 2014, no news yet, they said 18 months is waiting time. DO not ask me why and from where they take those numbers... |
Location: Västra Götaland Joined: 8.Mar.2010 |
Well who knows? Even MV has no idea.I have similar situation, applied on 1st of August 2014, no news yet, they said 18 months is waiting time. DO not ask me why and from where
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![]() Did you apply via a paper application? I think that was the average waiting time quoted last year/early this year. 11 months for electronic, 18 for paper. Maybe that was where it came from beforehand? But still - you are correct. I don't think anyone knows what figure to quote. I wish the system was more fair and efficient, but at the same time, I think MV is trying to figure out how to handle this situation as it unfolds. It sucks... but on the bright side, you have already made it one year!! You may have your decision sooner than you think?? |
Joined: 20.Sep.2015 |
Well according to the newest information from MV, processing time for us is going to take much longer than before. I just thing that it's dumb because by the time they process my current application I will fullfill the requirements to obtain Swedish citizenship. And yes, I have called them more than 30 times but every single time they would tell me something different. That is why I do not trust them at all.
Joined: 29.Sep.2015 |
Hej everyone
![]() I am an american woman, wanting to be with her swedish man! We applied online May 4th 2015, and it's just now hitting the 5 month mark. When we applied, it said the 4-9 months, and has since been updated to the 5-10 months. Now all I've been reading on these forums is how many loved ones have been kept apart for more than 10, 12, or 14 months. It just breaks my heart. We have had no word, nor any interviews yet. Just nothing. I tried emailing but got the standard reply of, you'll be notified when it's time for your interview. I thought once you had the interview, you were approved within a few days, a week or two or maybe even a month (as I read others stories). NOW I'm seeing people saying it's 4-5-6 more months from their interview, and that's whats throwing me into total depression. My guy has been flying out every chance he can just to be with me. It's costing him so much money, and neither of us have alot to spare. We are spending every day on skype, or chatting, or calling as much as we can, it just still kills us to be apart. You guys all know how it feels. We were hoping to be together by Christmas or the New Year - the 7, 8 or 9 month mark. Seeing now everyone's stories, it's so disheartening to know that is just a broken dream. I completely understand everyone is in the same boat, and I feel badly for the refugees who just want a safe place for their home. It's just so awful how long the wait times are, and it's more than I can bear. To top it off, I have a violent, stalker ex, who I truly am fearful for my safety here. My sambo worries about me constantly, and I of course do to. The police here say they can do nothing unless he "acts'. So it's just living in fear too that gets me. I don't know how long I can wait, you know? I feel so helpless. |
Joined: 7.Sep.2015 |
My guy has been flying out every chance he can just to be with me. It's costing him so much money, and neither of us have alot to spare. We are spending every day on sky
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Trust me we all feel your pain! Before my boyfriend applied I had spoken to a friend of mine - her thai boyfriend applied a year before us. It took them 3 weeks to get the sambo visa. They waited 2 weeks for the interview and get the decision a week after. I knew it wasn't gonna take us a month to get the visa but I sure hoped it wouldn't take this long! We applied in January 2015, just after he left Sweden after being here with me for 3 months. He went back to Australia (he is from Canada) where he some time left on his second year work&holiday visa. In April I flew to Malaysia to meet up with him so we could spend 2 weeks together. When his visa in Australia expired in the beginning of August he moved to Thailand. I went to Thailand and we spent a month there together. I am a full time student and dont have a lot of money to spend. My boyfriend Has been working in both Australia and Thailand and trying so save as much money he can for when he's coming here. It's good to have a bit of money when coming here because it might take a while to get a job and learn proper Swedish.. So no one wants to spend all their money on flights and hotels (even when you do and you finally see each other its the best thing ever!). I know it's hard but you're in good company! Im far from good at long distance relationship - I cry myself to sleep so many nights and just want this pain and wait to be over - but I know that there are plenty of people here that can provide you with good advice! ![]() I really hope you get an e-mail soon to book the interview! Best of luck!!! |
Location: Västra Götaland Joined: 8.Mar.2010 |
We were hoping to be together by Christmas or the New Year - the 7, 8 or 9 month mark. Seeing now everyone's stories, it's so disheartening to know that is just a bro
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I know it's hard but you're in good company! Im far from good at long distance relationship - I cry myself to sleep so many nights and just want this pain and wait
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Hi @Aimee (and @Julorn too!) As mentioned before, at least we have each other to support one another through this kinda crappy time. I don't know what it is about the wait, but once my Swede and I got to the 8 or 9 month mark, it seemed to be easier to handle the wait. Maybe because we knew we were *at least* halfway through? I don't know. It's really hard some days, and @Aimee, your post was spot on and I know exactly how you feel. For what it's worth, I've found that writing has helped me a lot with sorting through emotions and coming to terms/peace with the wait, the refugee thing, etc. I've written a blog about my experience with the Sambo process (and also I wrote a whole long old post on tips for surviving a long distance relationship, Julorn. If either of you are interested, the posts are sorted in two of the tabs on this link here - either Sambo Visa Process, or Tips for Surviving a Long Distance Relationship. I don't know how much longer we all will have to wait, but I take comfort in knowing that the wait WILL end for all of us, at least one day! It WILL come to an end. We just have to stick it out... for however difficult that may be. <3 |
Location: Västra Götaland Joined: 8.Mar.2010 |
If I have a sambo visa in place, am I allowed to apply for a student visa? I know you are not allowed to visit Sweden when your sambo visa application is in review, so the 3
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Also, Aimee - I saw this post of yours go unanswered from a little while ago and just wanted to clear up two points in case you didn't find an answer: 1) If you go into Sweden on a Sambo UT, you do not need a study permit - you can just apply for school right then and there. And likewise, if you are granted a study visa (you would need to be accepted into a full-time program before you apply), then you would be granted a study visa and you could change your permit to a sambo one afterwards while you stay in Sweden. This is the quicker route, but you would need to prove funds and apply/get accepted into the school program first, which takes time. So really, it all evens out in the end... 2) And then as for visiting Sweden during your application, you actually can visit Sweden ![]() ![]() |
Location: Stockholm Joined: 1.Jan.2014 |
After your interview, they advise you do NOT visit because, as the Swedish Alien Act somewhere says, you cannot be in Sweden when they make the decision. No it does NOT.One of the basic principles used for issuing of visas/permits is that the case officer must not have reason to believe that the person receiving the approval will not honour the expiration date and leave the country accordingly. If you are already in the country there is indeed reason to believe that you may not leave if the decision is negative. It does not mean they will not make a decision, it means that the guideline is that they will not issue to you the decision until you are already out of the country. There is a big difference between not making a decision (or rejection as has been mentioned several times in other threads) and not issuing a decision. Customer Service is as anywhere, just customer service, they neither make decisions nor know the real ins and outs of the law, they are generalists. That you have already found out in a previous post where they could not even tell you the exact point in law ![]() ![]() |
Location: United States Joined: 21.Sep.2015 |
I had my bf email the MV and he was told that due to the wait time I was allowed to visit Sweden as much as I want until I have my interview. Once thats been done I can NOT visit until I receive my decision. He wanted something in writing lol so he emailed them a few weeks ago. Just costs a fortune to go back and forth :/ So thankful we will see each other in November and then im thinking of going for 3 weeks in February since it seems from everyones post I still have a long while to wait
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Location: Jämtland Joined: 16.Jul.2015 |
I have been following the threads for several months now but have had nothing to add. My "partner in crime" is 55 American and I am 63 British but with permanent residence status having lived in Denmark, and now Sweden for most of my life.. I am unable to visit him in the States as I have farm animals I have to tend too.
He is here at the moment so , because of the horrendous waiting times we decided to try and get an extension on his visa. We were in Sundsvall on Monday to give in papers. And the confusion! The case officer was very kind and efficient. But we were told the complete opposite to what I have been reading here! She said it was unwise for us to apply , or for him to be in Sweden BEFORE the interview, in case he could not get back to the States in time when the interview was scheduled. Unwise, not that the decision process would be slowed down unless he failed to attend his interview. I told her that we had always heard that he should not be here AFTER the interview and she denied this. Of course she would not give anything in writing though she did give her name.. We were surprised that they took biometrics while we were there. One ironical part of the whole situation is that we live near a village of 190 inhabitants where we are working as volunteers with 100 refugees so he is getting free Swedish lessons with them! They cannot understand why he has to leave the country. So, now we are waiting to see if he gets and extension to stay another 6 months or if he has to leave (for three months) at the beginning of November. |
Location: United States Joined: 19.Jul.2015 |
Hi everyone, I too am in the long waiting line to receive a permit.
I have been reading how everyone is visiting their significant other, so I decided to email Migrationsverket asking to see if I can go and visit my boyfriend. Their response was "You cannot go to Sweden under your processing time, you can get a negative decision under the process." I clearly stated in my message that I was waiting to receive my email to schedule an interview, seeing how everyone says it should be fine to visit as long as it's before the interview, I thought I'd get the go ahead to visit, but I was wrong. Does anyone know why I got this answer? Thanks! |
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