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So, I made a bet with my friends,

Not a single one of use would have guessed.

post 12.Apr.2020, 11:57 AM
Post #1
Joined: 7.Nov.2017

So me and my friends made a wager, how long before Svenskt N?ringsliv recommences the eternal propaganda regarding "kompetensutvisningar". Not a single one of us dared wager that the they had the audacity to reinitiate even before the cessation of the Corona Pandemic.

Do these people have no shame whatsoever? No, on second thought, their representative is a lawyer of course he has no shame. (Odd isn't it that we never hear about "kompetensutvisning" of MBAs, political scientists and lawyers, career paths favoured by the right wing work migration fanatics. Futher odd is the fact that all these "cutting edge talents in demand in the entire world" are payed such measly wages that every single irregularity pushed their wages down into the zone of illegality).
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post 13.Apr.2020, 09:29 AM
Post #2
Joined: 7.Nov.2017

QUOTE (X-ray @ 13.Apr.2020, 08:35 AM) *
You have friends?

I have enough friends to lose this bet to, yes.
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post 13.Apr.2020, 03:25 PM
Post #3
Joined: 7.Nov.2017

QUOTE (X-ray @ 13.Apr.2020, 02:24 PM) *
I don't believe you.

Ok, then don't believe it. Won't change anything.
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post 19.Apr.2020, 07:17 AM
Post #4
Joined: 25.Sep.2018

So you circle yourself with some action figures and you call them friends? Interesting...
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post 19.Apr.2020, 01:04 PM
Post #5
Location: Malmö
Joined: 8.Jan.2010

It it natural for every country to want to gainfully employ its citizens & permanent residents (even if some of them are lazy & underqualified losers).

But the fact is, many companies in the tech sector in Sweden need skills that are hard to find in Sweden.

So a balanced immigration approach is critical for us to maintain our entrepreneurial & technology edge over other countries.
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post 8.May.2020, 07:03 PM
Post #6
Joined: 23.Nov.2019

QUOTE (Family_permit @ 19.Apr.2020, 08:17 AM) *
So you circle yourself with some action figures and you call them friends? Interesting...

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post 8.May.2020, 07:06 PM
Post #7
Joined: 23.Nov.2019

QUOTE (Family_permit @ 19.Apr.2020, 08:17 AM) *
So you circle yourself with some action figures and you call them friends? Interesting...

Random forum members from Stormfront.
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