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Brexit and TullverketUK treated as a 3rd country |
Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
Joined: 21.Dec.2006 |
It's a move into the used to be another country...
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Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
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Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
I am in the eu. I haven't lost anything, other than a couple of thousand krona, obtaining citizenship, a second passport, and switching driving licence. So you lost them, you were forced to change or obtain a citizenship, what do you bring to sweden do you work pay taxes contribute to society here? Who will you choose if either sweden or U.K. go like Spain and make it only possible to keep one citizenship? |
Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
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The EU could possibly not allow Eu citizenship and dual british citizenship It's not an eu decision, there is no such nationality as eu. Decisions on holding dual or multiple nationalities are for each individual country, most do, although I vaguely recall Spain having some quirks. |
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So you lost them, you were forced to change or obtain a citizenship, what do you bring to sweden do you work pay taxes contribute to society here? Who will you choose if eithe
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I'll pick which suits me and my family best. It's hard to know, many things could change like double taxation rules, pensions, capital gains.. it's all unchartered waters. I'd imagine there will be pros and cons either way. But whilst Brexiteers think they won, they are in the main British and stuck in Britain. I'm not. Call me a lover if it makes you feel better, but in some senses I can't lose, as I could just as easily move back to the UK if it magically thrived in 5 years time. |
Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
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Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
Joined: 23.Aug.2016 |
That was because he refused to label or sell kilos as well. The uk did go metric in 71, long before the 1975 vote. The grocer wouldn't have been happy if he was paid in si
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We went metric with regards to currency not weights and measures. The EU was forcing grocers to sell in metric after Maastrict came into force ergo it was the EU forcing the UK to do something we didn't want to do. |
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