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Brexit and TullverketUK treated as a 3rd country |
Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
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Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
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Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
Because what can the UK now claim it has sovereign powers over? Most things it does must comply with external regulations, that's the very nature of a global economy and global trade. Regulations and tariffs are nothing to do with sovereignty, law, border controls, political policy making and self determination through your own political process are examples of sovereignty. Get it in your head. |
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Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
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Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
Joined: 21.Dec.2006 |
Over here(USA)when we "cracked down" on foreign fisheries...they created American companies and used them to continue fishing...
About the Brits...a man once said "of Europe, but not European"... I think that means a great deal to them...don't worry, with that attitude they'll get along...they always do!!! |
Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
Over here(USA)when we "cracked down" on foreign fisheries...they created American companies and used them to continue fishing...About the Brits...a man once said &qu
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A united Europe always made for a weaker Britain they?ve always been against it, but its way past that now they?ve decided to remove themselves from it, I think for the better as well, just these people that lost the ref are beyond desperate, broken fucking records on and on the same rubbish making bold statements about what?s going to happen here and there even if it turns out to be like they say it was democratic decision accept it, you don?t even get democratic decision s in the EU The proof will be in the pudding. |
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Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
It's no way to live, but it's the only way to survive in the UK now. They don't want to live in caring world, sharing assets and resources. They voted every man fo
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Do me a favour, the only way to survive haha how did we survive before the EU? And yep the EU is so fair let in any Tom dick and Harry without papers whilst Swedish and German pensioners have to collect scrap tin cans from bins just to eat. The EU is for the ruling technocrat elitists. |
Joined: 23.Aug.2016 |
What horrible eu regulations (they aren't actually laws) have ruined your life? Personally, as a working class man, freedom of movement has done more to hurt British youth than anything else. We've underinvested in our youth for far too long in exchange for bringing in qualified workers from the EU. I see it all the time in Sweden. We lose doctors, nurses and so on. An aveage Swede going into the UK is highly skilled whereas the average Brit coming the other way is under-skilled. Since 00.01 on 1st January 2021 the UK has banned the export of live animals and pulse fishing. Our standards are higher than the in the EU. The replacement for ERASMUS will be better for our youth too. That'll do for now. Within 5 years our youth will be better trained and have more opportunities. Brexit *can be* a great thing for the UK but like all things it needs to be handled right. #Swexit |
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