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Brexit and TullverketUK treated as a 3rd country |
Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
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Joined: 8.Aug.2020 |
Under EU law we couldn't change our welfare system to disadvantage foreigners without the EU's consent. This meant in stupid situations a foreigner living in the UK co
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The EU has never been in control of the UKs welfare system. This kind of thing is what lead to Brexit. People were being told to point the finger at the EU for all the governments failings. It worked because most people haven't got a clue how the EU functions and saw the EU as a separate entity trying to rule over us instead of a union we played a big part in. The one good thing about Brexit is that the UK government will no longer be able to shift blame to a "foreign" entity. Now it will be the unelected UK bureaucrats getting the blame, like the almost 800 unelected bureaucrats sitting in the house of lords. I guess that's ok though as most of them will be British... |
Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
The EU has never been in control of the UKs welfare system.This kind of thing is what lead to Brexit. People were being told to point the finger at the EU for all the governme
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Wrong again If the EU guaranteed freedom of movement it also indirectly lead to acesss to welfare or child support. |
*Guest* |
Wrong again. If the EU guaranteed freedom of movement it also indirectly lead to acesss to welfare or child support. That's not true. You only have freedom of movement for employment. There is nothing in eu regulations related to a right to reside or benefits. The number of folk arriving on this forum complaining that the swedish state won't give them a personal number, benefits, etc would testify to that. The uk could have been much stricter than it was, but in reality it needed that cheap labour to do all the jobs Brits won't do, fruit and veg picking, cleaning, bar and hotel work etc.. now once the UK allows them to be residents, gives them a national insurance number; then they are entitled to the same benefits as anyone living and working in the UK, being from elsewhere in the eu irrelevant. |
Location: Stockholm Joined: 14.Apr.2020 |
I voted to remain as I have enjoyed the option of free movement and believe that this is a good thing for future generations. What is done is done now and I also Brexit proofed myself to ensure that I can continue to enjoy the option of free movement.
For the UK they are now as much as they can be the masters and mistresses of their own destiny as stated above - no more can they blame Europe for anything. Good luck to everyone living their the next 10 to 20 years is going to be a bit rocky for many citizens. |
Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
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Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
Joined: 17.Sep.2010 |
The EU has never been in control of the UKs welfare system.This kind of thing is what lead to Brexit. People were being told to point the finger at the EU for all the governme
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Indeed and thank you for pointing this out. The majority of laws negotiated by all the representatives of member states (even the council and commission are appointed and approved by each member state), are actually advisory. Each member state can choose to apply or diverge within a certain set of agreed parameters. Just like you would do for any other trade agreement. Most of the time the EU works with directives and not regulations. Immigration and freedom of movement can be controlled by each member state, not everyone had to be allowed in and some of the member states controlled this and others chose not to. I don't believe the EU and its constructs are perfect but they have gone a long way to keeping peace on this continent and becoming a worldwide trading bloc so that each of the states can play on a more level playing field with the big blocs like China and US. Imagine each country on their own, then we would all be swallowed up by a bigger brother or side-lined. In a global world collaboration and having standards is helpful. The other option is what lead to wars thanks to power-hungry and expansionist takeovers of other states. The conditions that lead to Brexit are years of misinformation and class divides that have never been resolved. If you follow the money then you see that the wealthy elite wanted to keep tax havens, which is something the EU is making transparent. It is mad to think that the gutter press are all owned by seriously wealthy individuals a lot of them not paying their fair share of tax to keep the country going. Include in that several Tory party members. The referendum was proven to be fraudulent and the bunch currently in charge is a muppet show likely to cause more serious harm than any EU directive will have ever done. Anyway, I hope that Brexit will bring sense in the long run, one good thing it did already is that it silenced a lot of nationalist movements. I just hope that this will remain and with that peace too. |
Joined: 4.Oct.2017 |
Indeed and thank you for pointing this out.The majority of laws negotiated by all the representatives of member states (even the council and commission are appointed and appro
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Works by advisories haha go and tell that to Greece Italy and Ireland and the atom bomb had kept peace on the continent more than the EU the Eu stirred up all the problems in the balkans and the Ukraine |
Joined: 23.Aug.2016 |
The EU has never been in control of the UKs welfare system.This kind of thing is what lead to Brexit. People were being told to point the finger at the EU for all the governme
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I didn't say the EU are in control of the UK's welfare system but the fact is they have to approve any changes that will impact EU citizens living there. The same happened in Sweden. I don't care if you love the EU or hate it you can't have your own facts. All people in the Lords are British or they can't sit there. Foreigners are awarded honorary peerages. |
Joined: 23.Aug.2016 |
I voted to remain as I have enjoyed the option of free movement and believe that this is a good thing for future generations. What is done is done now and I also Brexit proof
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You say you voted remain yet say "they" when referring to the UK. If you voted then you must be a British citizen. |
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