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Cashing Foreign ChequesHMRC Tax Refund From P85 |
Joined: 27.Dec.2020 |
Submitted my p85 and I expect to receive a cheque for a tax refund. I told HMRC I would definitely not be returning to the UK, only options were to send to current address, or send to previous UK address (a rental). I expected a refund into thy UK account, too easy though, right? Has anyone used Forex to cash a cheque from the UK? What kind of fees to expect? I have a Swedish tank account and Barclays will be closing my UK one soon.
Joined: 25.Jan.2021 |
Submitted my p85 and I expect to receive a cheque for a tax refund. I told HMRC I would definitely not be returning to the UK, only options were to send to current address, or
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Previously I posted cheques back to my UK bank. However I've got the same problem. I need to open an account with an eu friendly uk bank, but can't do it online, unless you visit the branch with ID to verify who you are. The double whammy of covid preventing travel and brexit problems. I'll get a cheque soon too from a savings account that's being shut down in 28 days time. I'll be interested to see what others have done. |
Location: Malmö Joined: 14.Nov.2019 |
Ask your Swedish bank, but be prepared for a no. I read in an newspaper article from 2005 that it is an obsolete method of payment. For non-customers the fee back then was 500 SEK at Swedbank and 1000 SEK at Handelsbanken. 125 SEK for Swedbank customers.
Forex bank don't cash cheques. |
Joined: 23.Aug.2016 |
I agree with Anders.
To the OP the chances are you won't receive a cheque but a bankgiro (money order or equivalent) at least not a cheque that a normal person writes because it is a government issue payment slip. Skatteverket used to send out that kind of thing here until a year or two ago. The difference being that a bankgiro (or equivalent) is as good as cash whereas a cheque isn't. It will be similar to a 'banker's cheque' we used to have in the UK. If this turns out to be the case then you will probably have a lot more success in getting it cashed. |
Location: Stockholm Joined: 5.Jul.2006 |
HMRC can pay direct to your UK bank. I know because HMRC recently paid me directly into my bank after I questioned why they sent me a UK sterling cheque to my overseas address! Likewise, I know Barclays are closing accounts for people with EU addresses, but if you have access to someone in the UK (family member maybe) you can register the account there and maintain your account.
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